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In the continuation of the Aquatic Machinations, GaoRed and White embark on a rescue quest to free their friends from the clutches of the evil aquatic center! Yet, they didn’t understand how powerful the threat that was emboldened by their teammates’ captured bravado truly was. Will the spandex duo’s strength be enough, or will they sink into the bottom of the inescapable doom?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Ken K

Mittons (Boonnit)


Ty smith




Violet Fentenstine


Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Splash, splash!

Kai, clad in his GaoBlue spandex, stood at the edge of the ominous pool, his muscles tensed with the anticipation of the competition. He flexed, boasting his strength with a confidence that would soon unravel in the face of the athletic water park's insidious trap. "This is going to be a piece of cake. No one can outswim GaoBlue!"

Little did he know, the pool's eldritch nature lay dormant, ready to unleash its unnatural power. With a determined dive, he plunged into the water, the first strokes of his butterfly style sending ripples across the tainted liquid.

As he swam, the currents seemed to resist, an unseen force pushing back against each powerful stroke. "What's going on? This pool's got nothing on me!"

His bravado echoed through the athletic water park, but the evil within was relentless. The pool absorbed his Gaoranger power, a corrupted energy that turned the water into a pulsating, hellish force.

Kai's strokes, initially strong and confident, grew strained as the eldritch competition took its toll. Gasps for air became more desperate, and the once cocky boasts transformed into uncertain mutterings. "Can't... can't be... I need to win this. GaoBlue never backs down!"

His mind teetered between the urge to win and the realization that this competition had no end. Panic set in as the wretched force toyed with his perceptions, distorting the pool into a nightmarish abyss. "This... this isn't right. Where's the end? What kind of competition is this?"

The eldritch influence whispered sinister promises, blurring the line between determination and desperation. Each stroke, once fueled by adrenaline, now became a struggle against an unseen adversary.

Kai's once-confident strokes began to falter as the realization dawned upon him. The seemingly endless competition stretched out before him, a cruel mockery of his former arrogance. "This can't be happening! My muscles... they're failing me!"

His frustration bubbled to the surface, his anger directed not at the pool but at the very power that defined him as a Gaoranger. "Gaoranger power, you traitor! Why now, when I need you the most?"

Each stroke became a struggle against the relentless currents, and his movements, once powerful, now seemed feeble and futile. The pool, fueled by the corrupted bravado, reveled in the warrior's despair. "I won't be defeated by some cursed swimming pool! GaoBlue never loses!"

But the more he fought, the deeper he sank, the water turning his once-heroic face yellowish. His mind, warped by the depraved machoness that the eldritch force whispered, clung to the futile hope of reaching the unachievable end of the pool. With each passing moment, the wretched force tightened its grip, warping his perception and fueling the flames of anger and frustration.

Kai's defiant struggle against the malign pool proved in vain. As the last flicker of life left his once-heroic eyes, he succumbed to the relentless currents. The pool, now stained with the corruption of three fallen Gaorangers, claimed another victim. "I... won't... be... defeated..."

His dying breaths stuttered, a jumbled symphony of defiance and despair. The evil laughter echoed through the watery abyss, rejoicing in the triumph over yet another Gaoranger.

With a haunting finality, Kai's lifeless body was drawn towards the sinister filtration tunnel at the bottom of the urine pool. The evil force, satisfied with its growing collection of fallen heroes, reveled in the darkness that now enveloped GaoBlue's once-vibrant spirit.

As the pool returned to an eerie calm, the scoreboard tower gleamed with a perverse satisfaction. Three names now adorned its cursed surface, a testament to the athletic water park's insidious influence. The fallen Gaorangers, lost to the endless depths, became mere echoes in the aquatic center's malevolent symphony.


The cursed aquatic park lay submerged in an eerie silence, punctuated only by the rhythmic sounds of scrubbing and the aquatic equivalent of heavy lifting. GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue, once the formidable Gaorangers, were now aquatic facility minions, their heroic abilities twisted into a macabre water ballet of ceaseless labor.

The poolside, once a symbol of camaraderie, had transformed into a grotesque aqua stage of suffering. GaoYellow, hazed and smeared by the cursed waters, shuffled aimlessly, scrubbing tiles with a vacant look in his eyes inside his helmet. "What are you doing to us? Help," he muttered, his voice a feeble ripple of the hero he once was.

GaoBlack, once fueled by macho bravado, was reduced to a lifeless, begging figure. "I'm drowning in despair... I can't take it anymore," he mumbled, his scrubbing motions mechanical, devoid of the determination that once buoyed him.

GaoBlue now hauled utterly heavy aquatic park equipment and items. His arrogant voice now echoed with a desperate plea. "This can't be real... someone, please throw us a lifesaver," he muttered, his eyes waterlogged and glazed over.

The malign athletic water park reveled in their suffering, the eldritch drive feeding off the humiliation that clung to the cursed trio. The pool's once-clear waters were now murky with the residue of their despair demonstrating the whirlpool of torment that had swallowed them whole.

Above them, the unknown Org monster loomed like a nightmarish sea creature. Its monstrous form cast watery shadows over the enslaved Gaorangers. The creature's laughter, a deep and mocking tide, reverberated through the swimming complex, adding a layer of aquatic cruelty to their watery plight.

The Org monster's voice echoed a watery growl that sent ripples down their spines. "Now, you are nothing more than driftwood, floating aimlessly in the currents of the cursed pool."

The enslaved Gaorangers had their faces masked by seaweed-like grime and their once-proud suits now resembled barnacle-covered relics. GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue were trapped in an unending cycle of scrubbing, cleaning, and hauling.

GaoYellow's movements were sluggish with his hands scraping against the tiles like a beached jellyfish. "I was a hero... I fought for justice, but now I'm lost at sea," he mumbled with his voice barely audible over the tumultuous laughter that echoed.

GaoBlack staggered under the weight of his own despair. "Strength... it's all washed away," he whispered, his words carried away by the relentless aquatic tide that surrounded them.

GaoBlue, who had once reveled in the thrill of aquatic competition, now moved with a defeated strength. "We were lured into this undertow... tricked," he muttered, his realization adding another layer of bitterness to the already salty scene.

The Org monster continued its ominous laughter, relishing in their suffering like a poisonous sea god. "You thought you could challenge the forces beyond your tide? Now, you will feed me with more power."

The cursed trio continued their unending aquatic chores. Their once-heroic voices were now reduced to desperate murmurs, lost in the abyss of their enslaved existence. The baleful swimming complex had claimed their spirits in the twisted triumph of breaking the once-indomitable Gaorangers.

As the laughter of the Org monster echoed through the athletic water park, a sinister satisfaction lingered in the air. The Org monster watched as the once-mighty Gaorangers became nothing more than shambling, begging lowly helots who were forever imprisoned in the watery ends.

The cursed aquatic facility resonated with the frenzied cries of GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue. Their voices, once resonant with heroism, now echoed with desperation and panic. The trio, shackled by the malign drive, found themselves in a nightmare, their bodies compelled to haul urine-soaked, heavy swimming and diving items into the locker room. The stench was overwhelming, a nauseating blend of chlorine and decay that clung to their suits and helmets.

The oppressive odor intensified as they approached the locker room entrance, assaulting their senses like a relentless tidal wave. GaoYellow's voice trembled, his panic evident in every strained word. "Can't... breathe! What is this... place?" He clutched his helmet, the smell infiltrating his nostrils, triggering waves of nausea.

GaoBlack, once the embodiment of strength, now struggled under the weight of the items. His voice wavered with frenzied urgency. "We're trapped... in a nightmare! This... stench!" He gasped for air between words, his helmet barely containing his horrified grimace.

GaoBlue, fueled by a corrupted macho spirit, strained against the invisible chains that bound him to the malign athletic water park's will. His voice, loud and panicked, reverberated through the locker room. "I can't take it! What kind of sick game is this?" He staggered, the weight of the items making each step a grueling ordeal.

The locker room loomed before them, a dank chamber filled with shadows and the oppressive odor of urine-soaked gear. The trio hesitated at the entrance, their bodies paralyzed by a mix of horror and the macabre urge that commanded them. With a collective, frenzied scream, they propelled themselves forward, unable to resist the sinister pull of their enslavement.

Inside the locker room, the stench reached a new level of intensity. The air was thick with the acrid scent, making it difficult for the Gaorangers to focus on their labor. GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue writhed in agony, their hands desperately clutching their helmets as if to shield themselves from the overpowering smell.

GaoYellow, his voice a frantic stammer, cried out, "I can't... it's like drowning in filth! Make it stop!" His hands fumbled with the items, the poisonous urge pushing him to continue the backbreaking labor.

GaoBlack, his movements sluggish, struggled to articulate his words through the panic. "This... can't be real. We're... we're drowning in this nightmare!" He choked on the words, the stench seeping into every pore of his being.

GaoBlue, the corrupted macho spirit now reduced to a frenzied panic, yelled, "I can't see! The stench... it's blinding!" His helmet rattled as he clutched it, the overwhelming smell distorting his perception.

The locker room seemed to close in on them, a claustrophobic chamber of despair. The venomous swimming complex reveled in their torment, forcing them to continue their futile labor amidst the putrid atmosphere. The frenzied cries of the Gaorangers echoed through the locker room, a symphony of horror in the demonic aquatic nightmare.

As they hauled the urine-soaked items, their movements became increasingly erratic. The malign force toyed with their senses, amplifying their panic and disorientation. GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue stumbled over each other, their pleas for escape drowned out by the overwhelming stench and the relentless command of the aquatic park.

The trio, once heroes, were reduced to frenzied, panicking slaves in the locker room of despair. Their cries for help, now desperate and choked with horror, reverberated through the cursed aquatic park, a chilling ending to the inescapable entrapment that held them in its venomous grip.


The athletic water park's twisted grasp extended beyond the trio of GaoYellow, Black, and Blue. GaoRed and White who were driven by desperation to rescue their friends forced their way into the eerie domain. Bursting through the barred gate, the heroic duo found a desolate aquatic center where their calls for their teammates echoed in uncanny fashion. As if the walls were alive and mocked the two Gaorangers in their quest to save their friends. But the evil place had something more sinister in place.

“I don’t know how this could have happened. One moment, they were all babbling about some weird competition and the next, we need to find them!” complained Kakeru as GaoRed and team captain.

“Yeah, and the other weird thing was that Gaku, Soutarou, and Kai never mentioned the competition name. You know that we needed to track their Gao power signature to get here,” added Sae as GaoWhite.

The evil presence in the tribune, in the media control room, in the empty rows of panelist chairs, all observed the two Gaoranger heroes as they stepped further into the center. Each of their footsteps was taken with caution. There was definitely something off about this location, yet Kakeru and Sae couldn’t put a finger in it.

They would soon find out in the most horrible way. At the poolside, the heavy spotlight machine had targeted GaoWhite from the platform tower. When she stepped in, it was time.

The spotlight's corrupting beam hit GaoWhite and made her shriek in utter indescribable pain. Sae Taiga let out a piercing scream of shock and dismay. "No! What is happening?" she cried with her once-defiant spirit now thrown into disarray.

The piercing light overwhelmed White's senses and filled her mind with an irresistible urge to join the unholy competition. Her daring nature succumbed to the corrupting influence, and she turned toward her comrades with a zealous, frenzied gaze. GaoRed was caught off guard by her sudden change and tumbled away in a desperate attempt to evade the spotlight's insidious beams.

As they rolled acrobatically, the corrupted trio, fueled by the eldritch force, unleashed Beast King Swords's saber energy attacks. The crimson Sentai hero was struck with the energy beams searing through his defenses. GaoRed who was momentarily stunned struggled to rise as the athletic water park's malign laughter echoed in the background.

The duo, now on their feet, rallied against the corrupted Gaorangers. GaoRed, wielding his Falcon Summoner crossbow faced the traitorous trio. The stage was set for a battle that transcended the physical; it was a clash of corrupted spirits.

The swimming pool's insidious aura that tainted the air with the hazing urine began to infiltrate the mind of GaoRed. An evil fantasy, laden with musky, sweaty allure, burned into their thoughts, making their grip on their weapons slippery. The very atmosphere seemed to carry the corrupting essence of the Aquatic Center.

The faltering GaoRed tried to fight against the rising tide of corruption. "This isn't you, Yellow, Black, Blue! Snap out of it!" he shouted, desperately hoping to break the spell that had ensnared his comrades.

The corrupted trio, however, laughed mockingly, reveling in the internal struggle of their former ally. "Stand for what, Red? Join us in the competition! Embrace the power of the Aquatic Center!" GaoYellow taunted, his once-heroic voice now twisted by the eldritch force.

GaoBlack and GaoBlue, each wielding their Beast King Swords, echoed the sentiment with venomous glee. "Competition is everything! You fools can't resist the allure," sneered GaoBlack. GaoBlue added, "Witness the true strength of the athletic water park!"

The once-unbreakable bond between the Gaorangers shattered further as the battle unfolded. GaoRed who was torn between loyalty and self-preservation struggled against his corrupted allies. The spotlight's glow intensified, revealing the darkness that had taken root within the Aquatic Center and turned friends into foes.

In the aquatic battleground, the corrupted Gaorangers and the desperate team captain clashed with their weapons clashing amid the echoes of hellish laughter. The grim dance of betrayal and corruption had just begun, and the athletic water park reveled in the chaos it had sown.

The diving pool center's malign influence tightened its grip on GaoWhite, thrusting her into a nightmarish ordeal that would also etch itself into the mind of GaoRed. The corrupted trio ganged up on her before stroking their spandex-clad batons to shower her with filth. As her spandex-clad form was sprayed with urine, a perverse grin spread across the faces of GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue with their corrupted minds reveling in the debasement of their once-heroic ally.

GaoWhite, now drenched and smelly in her skintight heroic suit, writhed under the relentless spray. "No, stop!" she pleaded, her voice strained with a mixture of shock and despair. The stench of urine mingled with the musky aroma of her suit, creating an unbearable atmosphere that permeated the surroundings.

With frenzied screams, GaoWhite leaped into the pool, her voice a chilling echo of her former self. "I can't resist... it calls to me!" Her desperate cries resonated with the corrupted cheers of GaoYellow, GaoBlack, and GaoBlue, who reveled in the chaos they had unleashed.

GaoRed helplessly witnessed the disturbing scene from the poolside as he was paralyzed by shock and disgust. GaoRed gritted his teeth inside his helmet, unable to comprehend the betrayal unfolding before him. "This... this isn't right. Come back to heroism!" he muttered, his voice laden with disbelief.

The corrupted trio, fueled by the athletic water park's eldritch force, continued their assault on GaoWhite's dignity. GaoBlack laughed maniacally, reveling in the chaos. "Heroes no more! We're champions of the pool, winners of this glorious competition!" he proclaimed, his once-heroic demeanor replaced by a corrupted sense of victory.

GaoWhite, succumbing to the twisted allure of the urine-soaked competition, felt an irresistible urge to join the pool. In a frenzy of desperation and corrupted exhilaration, she leaped into the tainted waters, her once-pure intentions drowned in the corrupted haze that surrounded the diving pool.

As GaoWhite resurfaced, her skintight suit clinging to her form, glistening with the vile mixture of urine and pool water, the corrupted Gaorangers intensified their mockery. GaoYellow sneered, "Welcome to the competition, where heroes become true champions of the pool!" GaoBlue added with a wicked grin, "She's a natural, embracing her destiny."

GaoRed could only watch as his teammate, now corrupted beyond recognition, became one with the nightmarish competition.

GaoWhite, floating in the tainted pool, turned towards her former allies with vacant eyes. "This is my destiny," she uttered with a monotone voice that was devoid of the heroic spirit that once defined her.

As the corrupted atmosphere of the athletic water park intensified, GaoRed found himself in a nightmarish struggle against the overpowering influence. His weakened toned body and failing weapon grip signaled the insidious triumph of the eldritch force that permeated the air.

But things went from bad to worse as the soulless GaoYellow, Black, and Blue turned their attention to their team captain. Looming over Kakeru, the trio laughed at his defiance. Their helmets had their visors opened to show the zombified pale faces of his once-comrades. “Look at you, Red. Still believe that valor will prevail over evil,” mocked Gaku.

Soutarou smirked. “Not there in this abyss. Here, power reigns and we heroes are nothing compared to the power of the pool. We now live to smell the urine stench and even add more to it with our own flavor.” GaoBlack wiggled his dangling spandex-clad baton still wet from his attack on GaoWhite. But he had more in store.

Kai’s own meat also went erect as he approached GaoRed. “You will soon join us as a humiliated soul drowning in his unending competition where we are always the losers.”

The trio peed on GaoRed who jerked and writhed. There was something unnatural about the vile urine that splashed and drenched him. It seeped into his suit, bypassing the powerful barrier of his costume, and spread all across his bare skin inside. Kakeru felt like the discharge went directly against his face and body and all exposure sent a jolt of violent and wrong sensation that overwhelmed his brain. “No, no, stop!”

Soutarou noticed something was changing about the valiant lion hero. Between his legs, Kakeru’s own baton slowly grew from being a noticeable bulge to be a perfect shlong. “Haha, even our lionhearted captain is enjoying his new life as a muscle call boy of the pool!”

“Yeah, I guess his bullshit about being brave was just a mask to hide his horniness!”

GaoRed, limping and struggling to maintain his composure, grimaced as the overwhelming stench of urine invaded his helmet. "What's happening? I can't... resist," he muttered, his voice laden with both shock and dread. He clutched his head in disbelief. "It's like something's taking over. I can't fight it."

The corrupted allure of the urine-soaked competition manifested in his mind and twisted his thoughts into perverse fantasies. He imagined his entire head being enveloped by a tight cocoon of latex swimming trunks that suffocated him and nullified his mental prowess. The once-clear mind of GaoRed succumbed to the corrupting whispers of the athletic swimming pool. “So tight… Can’t breathe…," he gasped, the corrupted fantasy seeping into his consciousness. "No more... heroic thoughts. Just lust, just fire…”

To ensure urine-drenched GaoRed’s downfall, the trio pummeled their own team captain. Soutarou, Gaku, and Kai hammered Kakeru with jabs and kicks on his spandex-clad toned squirming body without mercy. Their laughter echoed in the swimming complex as the evil presence became delighted at the Gaoranger team’s demise.

“You will like it here, Kakeru! You will drown like the rest of us, drinking urine and eating filth for rest of your soulless life! That’s what true Gaoranger destiny is all about!” shouted Kai as he hit Kakeru’s abs again and again while the duo held GaoRed up with his arms stretched. All the main hero could do was thrash and jolt his body around in a desperate attempt to break free from the pain.

“No, no more!”

“Oh, there will be A LOT more, GaoRed!” laughed the corrupted GaoYellow as he and Black threw their own team captain into the urine pool. Kakeru squealed as he joined Sae in the wretched liquid. The vile substance now simply poured into his suit interior as if the costume was porous due to lack of Sentai power left, drowning the gasping Kakeru in panic.

In the watery abyss, the once-heroic duo of GaoRed and GaoWhite faced the disconcerting reality of their eternal torment. GaoRed, his spandex-clad body now permeated with the stench of urine, struggled against the waves of despair that threatened to drown him. The twisted melody played on and echoed through the aquatic center's cavernous walls. The scoreboard tower displayed their names, a macabre testament to their fall from heroism into perpetual enslavement.

Then, the athletic swimming pool complex’s gates opened wide. The outside speakers blared with the eerie song that reached far and wide. The corruption soon returned with captives.

From the surrounding forests and roads, enthralled young athletes came. Their minds were bewitched by the melody. Some wore their casual attires, some others were in their swim techsuits. One by one, they passed through the gate and into the eldritch building against their will. Their eyes showed such a terrified emotion inside despite their bodies obeying the evil influence that made them come here.

The captive teen swimmers, once filled with awe for their Gaoranger idols, now sat in the tribune, ensnared by an unseen force that compelled them to witness the torment unfolding in the pool. Shocked and terrified, they were powerless to look away as their once-heroic heroes descended further into the abyss.

“They are here for our performance…” GaoWhite who had her face yellowish from the corrupting influence moved through the synchronized routine with an eerie grace that masked the horror within. The diving pool center's malevolence had stripped away her heroic essence and left only a shell of elegance twisted by despair. As the routine reached its climax, a malicious surge pulsed through the pool to mark the culmination of their descent.

GaoRed was struggling against the aquatic chains that bound him as he gasped in frenzied disbelief. "No! This can't be happening! Heroes can’t be humiliated like this!"

A collective moan escaped the lips of the captive teen audience as they involuntarily released their own courage. The young athletes wet themselves and peed an undignified torrent that merged with the tainted waters. The malignant echoes of disembodied laughter intensified which haunted through the swimming complex like a haunting requiem.

The blank-eyed GaoWhite responded with a hauntingly serene voice, "Heroes no more. Embrace the eternal routine, Kakeru. We are now one with the aquatic center."

The teen swimmers on the tribune witnessed the horrifying transformation of their once-mighty idols into perpetual tormentors. Now, they were joining the Gaorangers in this hell. Desperation echoed through the captive audience as they pleaded for release from the baleful influence.

One teen, gasping for breath after the deadly routine, cried out, "Please, make it stop! We didn't sign up for this!"

Another fatigued swimmer girl added, "This isn't what we wanted! We just wanted to see heroes, not become slaves to this pool!"

GaoRed shouted in frenzied defiance, "I won't accept this! We were supposed to protect people, not condemn them to his place!"

But the twisted melody continued and was deaf to their pleas. The swimming complex reveled in their collective despair, feeding on the shattered remnants of heroism. For GaoRed, it was worse. His succumbing body now had a will of its own. Despite his resistance, the muscles of his body obeyed the pool to remove his lion-themed helmet and exposed him completely to the foul-smelling, disgusting-tasting liquid. Kakeru was made to gulp a bulk of urine as his face was plunged into the water.

Then, he was forced to join Sae the GaoWhite heroine as a synchronized swimming performer. He danced and turned and flung himself in and out of the water against his will as a puppet of evil to his horror. Both of his arms were made to hold the GaoRed helmet high as part of the humiliating routine. The two heroes were made to show off their source of pride to their new owner.

“This should not have happened…”

“Yet, here we are… Kakeru, you failed us…”

As the routine continued, the defiance-drained GaoRed and GaoWhite stared defeatedly at the captive audience. The twisted melody played on to amplify the horror of their fate. The watery damnation claimed not only their heroism but also the lives of the captive teens.

The young wet swimmers left their tribune seats and formed lines on the poolside. One at a time, the athletes leaped into the musky evil urine pool to join their defeated heroes. They were surrendering themselves as slaves to the demoniac power that resided within.

The athletes joined GaoRed and White in the disgracing synchronized swimming routine. They moved and breached the surface then dived again by following the Sentai warriors. They were kept in the same pathetic existence of controlled by an unseen unnatural power. They were in agony as they gasped and gulped the vile liquid. Their muscles ached and throbbed as fatigue set in.

“No, not them! Please, let these kids go!” begged Kakeru. But he was begging to nothing. The diving pool center was hungry for young souls.

The swimmers’ voices chanted a pitiful declaration of their pathetic existence. "We are the fallen, the humiliated, the eternal performers of the aquatic dance. Our courage is drowned, and our souls are shackled to the crushing depths."

Between the mantra-like repetition, the swimmers’ former selves broke through in a frenzy. "What's happening? I can't breathe!"

"This is a nightmare! Somebody help us!"

"I don't want to die like this!"

"I just wanted to be a swimmer, not this torture!"

As the endless aquatic dance continued, GaoRed and his companions were condemned to a perpetual cycle of humiliation, their voices blending with the haunting melody that echoed through the swimming complex's cavernous expanse. The baleful force reveled in their despair, ensuring that their existence would forever be defined by the twisted dance of eternal torment.

But eternity started with doom. In a final, agonized gasp, the enslaved swimmers succumbed to the relentless depths of the pool. Their bodies sank beneath the surface, becoming silent echoes in the water complex's malignant symphony. GaoRed and GaoWhite who were now eternally bound to their torment faced the grim reality that their quest for heroism had led them into an abyss of eternal suffering.

GaoRed, now overwhelmed by both his physical and mental torment, shouted in laughable defiance, "I won't accept this! We were supposed to protect people, not condemn them…"

Yet, their stamina failed them. The strained muscles of GaoRed and White finally gave up. Their performance ended with their slow sinking. The heroic duo gasped for air and escaped, yet their bodies urged them to keep on dancing the routines despite drowning deeper and deeper into the urine pool along with the remaining failing swimmers. The twisted melody played on, amplifying the horror of their fate. The watery abyss claimed not only their heroism but also the lives of the captive teens.

“Our courage is drowned, and our souls are crushed by the lightless depths."


The defeated GaoRed and GaoWhite emerged from the depths as whimpering, zombified slaves. Their vacant eyes mirrored the despair within as they prepared to resume the haunting aquatic performance. Stuttering and devoid of free will, their minds were trapped in an endless loop of misery.

Kakeru mumbled as an undead slave. "We... we are... performers..."

Sae too. "Endless dance... no escape..."

The once-heroic duo, now reduced to mere shells of their former selves, shambled towards the poolside. The twisted melody resonated through their minds, compelling them to execute the synchronized routine that had become their eternal punishment. Then, they were also accompanied by the zombified teen swimmers.

"What... what happened to us?"

“This is… Our fate as food of the pool.”

The captive swimmers who were once hopeful athletes, now cowered in fear. Witnessing their former idols' fate and their peers' tragic end, a chilling realization settled in—the aquatic center demanded not only the sacrifice of heroes but also the innocence of those trapped.

"Dance... endless..."

"No freedom... only pain..."

The zombified Gaorangers were driven by the evil force to start the aquatic routine with their young counterparts. Their movements lacked the grace and determination that once defined them. Instead, they executed each step with robotic precision, trapped in an unending cycle of humiliation.

"I thought they were supposed to be heroes..."

“I thought we have a future…”

The disheartened whispers of the captive swimmers echoed through the water complex, mingling with the twisted melody. The pool water rippled with unnatural energy as if feeding off the collective despair that permeated the cursed space.

"Must... perform..."

"No choice... endless cycle..."

The zombified duo continued the aquatic performance, their minds trapped in a perpetual nightmare. Each movement was punctuated by stuttering dialogue, a haunting reminder of the heroes they once were, now lost to the insidious influence of the water complex.

"No way out…”

The captive swimmers participated in the horror show. The fate of GaoRed and GaoWhite as well as the young swimming athletes served as a grim warning—an ominous glimpse into the abyss of despair that awaited those who dared to challenge the cursed waters.

GaoRed muttered, "No escape... trapped in the abyss..."

GaoWhite was mindless. "Endless torment... no end..."

As the aquatic dance persisted, the zombified Gaorangers and the doomed swimmers remained ensnared in the vile cycle. The scoreboard tower, adorned with their names, glowed with a perverse satisfaction, marking their souls for an eternity of suffering. The diving pool center, reveling in the desolation it wrought, stood as a grim testament to the heroes' downfall and the captive audience's tragic fate.



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