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Unravel the dark twists of Power Rangers Turbo in a grim tale of numbers and inflation. As Numbor's malevolent math takes hold, the Yellow Ranger's body swells unnaturally, transforming the misty beach into a surreal battleground all while Turbo Green and Red are scattered across the sandy shores. But what caused their team to shatter like this?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:





Ty smith


Violet Fentenstine


Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Watch your scale!

The beach lay shrouded in an ominous mist, the gray clouds hanging low in the overcast sky. The Rangers moved cautiously across the sand, the muted sound of waves crashing in the distance. Justin, appearing unusually uneasy, tried to blend his anxiety with concern for their impending encounter.

"Guys," he stammered, eyes darting around the desolate beach, "I've been feeling off since we got here. Maybe we should approach this cautiously. Numbor's powers are unpredictable."

Adam, Tanya, and Tommy exchanged wary glances. The young Blue Ranger's unease seemed genuine, his concern mirroring the ominous atmosphere around them. As they discussed their approach, Justin surreptitiously activated his wrist communicator, unknowingly setting the stage for the impending betrayal.

Numbor, hidden in the murky shadows, chuckled wickedly as he received the signal. His numeral eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Ah, the Rangers walk into the web willingly. How delightful!"

The Rangers, unaware of the trap being set, continued their discussion. Adam voiced his concerns, "We can't afford any mistakes. Numbor is crafty, and we need to be ready for anything."

Tanya nodded, her eyes scanning the murky beach. "Justin, you sure you're up for this? If you're not feeling right, maybe you should take a step back."

Tommy, the seasoned leader, sensed something amiss but couldn't quite grasp it. "We stick together. If there's trouble, we regroup and reassess. Let's stay sharp and focused."

As they advanced cautiously, the sound of waves crashing against the shore added an eerie backdrop to the tense atmosphere. Justin's internal struggle intensified, caught between loyalty and the insidious influence of Kat's curse. He kept his gaze lowered, avoiding eye contact with his teammates.

The air thickened with tension as they reached the designated spot. Suddenly, Numbor emerged from the shadows, a malevolent grin etched across his monstrous face. "Well, well, if it isn't the Turbo Rangers. I've been expecting you."

The Rangers assumed defensive stances, senses heightened. Adam, Tanya, and Tommy exchanged wary glances, sensing an ominous presence. Justin, torn between loyalty and the curse's control, struggled to maintain composure.

Numbor reveled in the chaos he had orchestrated. "You see, Rangers, your little Blue friend has been working for me all along. A delightful twist, wouldn't you agree?"

Adam's eyes widened with disbelief, "Justin, is this true?"

Justin hesitated, his gaze shifting between his teammates and Numbor. The internal conflict painted a turbulent picture on his face. "I... I had no choice. The curse..."

Numbor interrupted with twisted delight. "Ah, the curse! Such a wonderful thing. Now, let's have some fun, shall we?"

With a wave of Numbor's hand, the atmosphere changed. Giant symbols of mathematical multiplication materialized and surged toward the Rangers. Each evil mark collided with their suits and assimilated the Turbo Rangers' powers before dividing them into separate parts of the beach.

Adam and Tommy were flung away, disoriented and isolated. The lone Tanya was forced to face Numbor's relentless attack. Her visor displayed a stream of numbers as she fought to maintain control.

Numbor who enjoyed his newfound dominance chuckled menacingly. "Time to witness the full extent of my power, Rangers."

Tanya, standing resolute, attempted to communicate with her dispersed teammates. "Guys, we need to regroup. This is a trap!"

Turbo Yellow Ranger faced a daunting adversary. Corrupted Justin, now under the sinister influence of both Numbor and the newfound Kat, the transformed Pink Ranger, loomed before her with an eerie calmness.

Tanya, weakened and disoriented, summoned every ounce of her remaining strength to confront the corrupted Blue Ranger. "Justin, please! Snap out of it! This isn't you!" Her urgent plea echoed through the mist-laden beach, but it fell on deaf ears as Justin's vacant gaze remained fixed on the newly transformed Kat.

The corrupted Blue Ranger, his voice a twisted chorus of admiration, spoke with an unsettling glee, "Oh, Tanya, can't you see? The new Kat is glorious! A fat goddess! And soon, you'll join her in all her splendor!" The chilling words sent shivers down Tanya's spine as she grappled with the horror of Justin's transformation.

"You see, Tanya, it's time for some calculated transformation!" Numbor's voice dripped with malicious delight as he prepared to unleash his sinister powers.

The battle that ensued was a cruel dance of power. Justin, now ferocious and relentless, proved to be too fast and overpowering for the weakened Turbo Yellow. Blow after blow, his attacks pummeled her, and the once-empowered Tanya found herself helpless against the onslaught.

"Justin, my boy, you've become a variable in this equation of chaos!" Numbor continued, mocking the once-heroic Blue Ranger's turning to evil.

The darkened beach bore witness to the one-sided confrontation. Justin's blows were too swift, too powerful, leaving Tanya gasping for breath within the confines of her Yellow Ranger helmet. Each strike to her abdomen induced violent bouts of vomiting, the inside of her helmet becoming a macabre display of her torment.

As the battle reached its cruel apex, Justin delivered a devastating kick, sending Tanya's helmet flying through the mist. The disoriented Turbo Yellow Ranger, now exposed and vulnerable, became the perfect target for Numbor's sinister plot.

With a sinister grin, Numbor's monstrous hand closed around Tanya's neck. Desperation etched across her face, Tanya pleaded, "No, please! I can't... I won't succumb!" But her cries were muffled as Numbor's malevolent grip silenced her.

"Let's add a touch of bloated brilliance to your heroic figure!" jeered the monster.

As the mist thickened, Numbor summoned his evil powers, producing hundreds of grotesque numbers that surged from his hand. Tanya's mouth, forcibly held open by Numbor's relentless grasp, became the vessel for the dark magic. The evil numbers forced their way inside, filling her from within and bloating her once-toned physique to the brink of tearing her heroic spandex suit apart.

All the while, Justin stood nearby with a sinister satisfaction, adoring the unfolding horror. "Witness Numbor's math power, Tanya! Embrace the transformation!" he exclaimed with an utterly corrupted glee. A glowing number zero tattooed on Justin's forehead marked his downfall, a symbol of the darkness that now consumed him.

The overcast beach bore witness to Tanya's torment as Numbor's dark magic took hold. The evil numbers, glowing ominously, surged relentlessly into her open mouth. Each number violation caused her once-toned physique to swell and bloat, the spandex of her heroic suit strained to its limits.

Tanya, gasping for breath between the onslaught of numbers, felt her body betray her. The agonizing transformation unfolded in slow motion, her once-toned muscles yielding to an unnatural weight that threatened to burst through the seams of her heroic suit. The mist around her seemed to thicken with the despair that hung in the air.

"Numbor, please... stop this!" Tanya's voice, now panicked and frenzied, pleaded as she tried in vain to resist the bombardment. Her body trembled under the pressure of the dark magic, and her limbs felt heavy with the unnatural weight that continued to accumulate.

Numbor, feasting in the chaos, responded with dominating puns that echoed through the mist. "Ah, Tanya, my dear, let's 'add' a touch of grandeur to your figure! Embrace the mathematical perfection you're becoming!" His laughter, filled with malice, reverberated as he continued to force the evil numbers upon her.

The gleeful, corrupted voice of Justin added to the noise. "Isn't it wonderful, Tanya? You're becoming a divine entity, a goddess of math! Soon, you'll see the beauty in the numbers just like I do!" Justin's vacant eyes glittered with a twisted sense of joy as he witnessed Tanya's torment.

As the bombardment continued, Tanya's mind, affected by the dark magic, began to degrade into hunger and a distorted sense of superiority. "I am... a goddess of math," she stuttered, her voice a mixture of panic and delusion. "Superior... to the Rangers. I... hunger for the numbers."

The crashing waves and dusky sky became a surreal stage for Tanya's bloated transformation. Her grotesquely inflated spandex-clad body strained against the skinight fabric. The once-toned hero was now a pitiful victim of Numbor's chaos, succumbing to a fate worse than she could have imagined.

The relishing Numbor continued his assault. "Let's multiply the majesty, Tanya! Embrace the grandeur of our math class solution!" His pun-filled dialogue added a layer of malevolence to the scene as if the very numbers themselves were mocking the fallen hero.

The location bore witness to Tanya's torment as Numbor's dark magic took hold. The ominously-glowing evil numbers surged relentlessly into her open mouth. Each numerical assault caused her physique to swell and bloat.

Tanya felt her body betray her. The agonizing transformation unfolded in slow motion, her athletic muscles yielding to an unnatural weight that threatened to burst through the seams of her heroic suit. The mist around her seemed to thicken with the despair that hung in the air.

"Numbor, please... stop this!" Tanya's voice, now panicked and frenzied, pleaded as she tried in vain to resist the relentless invasion. Her body trembled under the pressure of the dark magic, and her limbs felt heavy with the unnatural weight that continued to accumulate.

Numbor responded with dominating puns that echoed through the mist as he let go of Tanya "Ah, Yellow Ranger! Embrace the mathematical perfection you're becoming!" His laughter, filled with malice, reverberated as he continued to force the evil numbers upon her.

"N-no, this can't be happening! I'm... I'm a Ranger, not a... a puppet for numbers," Tanya stuttered and moaned. Her hands moved on their own to reach her crotch. She had wetted herself but wanted more.

To her shock, the beach sand beneath her boots couldn’t handle her new swollen form. Hopeless and immobile, the Yellow Ranger couldn’t do much to prevent her sinking into the deeper layer. She couldn’t even shout protests or pleas for help anymore as her cheeks became so bloated throughout the corruption process.

The gleeful, corrupted voice of Justin added to the racket. "Isn't it wonderful, Tanya? You're becoming a divine entity, a goddess of math! Soon, you'll see the beauty in the numbers just like I do!" Justin's vacant eyes inside his helmet glittered with a twisted sense of joy as he witnessed Turbo Yellow’s torment.

Numbor, reveling in the chaos he had wrought, chuckled malevolently. "Embrace the chaos, Tanya! Let the numbers dance in your thoughts!”

Tanya’s eyes rolled back into white. Her mouth drooled with unmindful emotion before vomiting again. Perhaps she divulged all her last trace of heroism. Perhaps she threw up her breakfast. Whatever it was, the Yellow Ranger’s journey ended.

As the merciless barrage continued, Tanya's mind began to degrade into hunger and a distorted sense of superiority. "I am... a goddess of math," she stammered before a squeal. "Superior... to the Rangers! I... hunger for the body count!"


Amidst the chaotic murky battlefield, Adam, the Green Ranger, grunted as he threw a punch at the enhanced Piranhatron. "Man, these numbers are making these guys way too tough!"

Tommy, the Red Ranger, flipped in the air, landing a spinning kick. "No kidding, Adam! It's like we're fighting a whole army of pumped-up Piranhatrons. We need to figure something out, fast!"

Adam adjusted his helmet with frustration evident in his tone. "I never signed up for a math lesson in the middle of a fight. This is ridiculous!"

Tommy cracked a bitter smile inside his own helmet despite the dire situation. "Yeah, I don't remember any of Zordon's lessons covering this kind of math. Algebra was never this dangerous!"

As they continued to battle, the numbers-boosted Piranhatrons showed no signs of letting up. Adam glanced at Tommy. "Tommy, any bright ideas? 'Cause right now, I'm all out."

Tommy dodged a series of rapid punches, his acrobatics on full display. "I'm working on it, Adam. Let's try to single one of them out."

Adam smirked inside his helmet, "Crack the code, huh? Sounds like a plan, genius. Let's give it a shot."

The mist played tricks on their senses, adding an extra layer of challenge to the already formidable fight. Adam and Tommy pressed on, trading punches and kicks, but the eerie environment helped mask the rushing Piranhatrons into appearing more than they really were.

Amidst the chaos, Turbo Green called out, "Red, I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up. These numbers are seriously messing with our fight."

The misty battlefield turned into a nightmare as the enhanced Piranhatrons quickly overwhelmed the Power Rangers. Adam and Tommy found themselves on their knees, helmets concealing the grimaces of pain as they were relentlessly hammered by the digit-infused minions.

"Ugh, Tommy, we're getting hammered here!" Adam groaned, his voice strained by the agony.

Tommy, his visor flickering from the intense violation, stuttered in pain, "This... wasn't in the plan. We can't let them break us!"

The Piranhatrons, their attacks relentless, seemed fueled by an otherworldly force. Each blow echoed with a sinister resonance, the mist thickening around the Rangers as they struggled to withstand the onslaught.

Two Piranhatrons managed to forcibly hold Adam's and Tommy's arms out disabling their ability to fight back. Another malicious Piranhatron focused its merciless barrage on their spandex-clad abs, each blow sending waves of excruciating pain through their bodies.

"Ugh, let us go!" Adam gritted his teeth inside his helmet as he struggled against the gruesome grip that held his arms in place.

The strained Red Ranger shouted, "This isn't... Power Ranger... action!"

The boosted Piranhatron continued its attack to hammer away at their midsections with calculated brutality. The Rangers now found themselves at the mercy of a malevolent force that seemed to roister in their suffering.

The relentless blows struck their stomach with the fabric offering little protection against the onslaught. The claggy air filled with the sickening sound of impacts, each hit met with groans of pain from the captured Rangers.

The despair Turbo Green gasped, "We can't... take much more of this."

Tommy, struggling against the overwhelming attack, added, "They're breaking us down, Adam. I don't know how... how we're going to get out of this."

“There has to be... a way."

With a sadistic resolve, this enhanced Piranhatron targeted the heroes' legs. Rapid, unrelenting strikes hammered at their thighs, leaving the Rangers to gasp in agony. The sound of blows echoed across the beach as the once-mighty defenders found themselves kneeling under the cruel onslaught.

Tommy, usually composed and resilient, grunted as the pain seared through his legs. "Ugh, what kind of... numbers are they using?"

Adam, his face contorted with pain, struggled to find words. "Feels like... they're breaking us down... piece by piece."

The Red Ranger let out a feminine squeal as his crotch was grabbed by a Piranhatron who laughed with its horrendous grunt. The minion’s arm firmly held Tommy’s baton and stroked it ravenously to slowly put it in erect mode despite the team captain’s objection. “No… No, I won’t give in to this humiliation!”

“Tommy, fight it! ARGH!” Another blow hit Adam’s abs, making him vomit his breakfast even more. Then, his own humiliation came also with another Piranhatron doing the same to the Turbo Green’s meat. “No, this is not… Who we are…”

As the blows continued to rain down on their spandex-clad bodies, a profound sense of defeat gripped their minds. Vomiting inside their helmets became a grotesque reminder of their perceived failure. “Look at us. Beaten by these... things,” muttered Turbo Red in agony.

The Piranhatrons’ malevolent creativity unhinged, enabled them to conjure giant numbers with an intent to escalate the physical torment inflicted upon the Power Rangers. As Adam and Tommy squirmed under the diabolical stroking care of the Piranhatrons, the minions unleashed their next brutal tactics.

With a twisted ingenuity, the enhanced Piranhatrons materialized a colossal number 9, which snaked around the Rangers' necks like a malevolent serpent. Tightening its grip, the digit coil constricted, cutting off the heroes' air supply. Adam and Tommy, already battered and weakened, gasped for breath as the relentless pressure intensified.

Despair set in, a suffocating force that distorted their perception of themselves. The vomit inside their helmets gave off a disgusting putrid smell that gnawed on their heroic confidence and sense of self.

In a simultaneous onslaught, the Piranhatrons summoned an enormous number 7, wielding it like a merciless hammer. The giant digit rained blows upon the Rangers' backs and abs, each impact sending shockwaves of pain through their spandex-clad bodies. The overcast air echoed with the sickening thuds of the numerical-infused violation.

Just when the Rangers thought the torment couldn't escalate further, the numbers exploded in a burst of malevolent energy. The shockwaves from the explosions reverberated through the murky battlefield, leaving the Rangers disoriented and vulnerable.

To compound the agony, the Piranhatrons, seemingly endless in their arsenal of evil numbers, conjured a colossal number 8. With a sadistic efficiency, the enhanced minions locked the Rangers' necks together using the massive digit, rendering them captive in a grotesque representation of medieval imprisonment.

"I can't... I can't do this," Adam whimpered, tears mingling with the mist on his helmet. The once unwavering hero now faced the stark reality of his perceived inadequacy.

"We're failures, Adam. We're letting everyone down."

The two Turbo Rangers’ groins were wet as they had unloaded themselves. In the afterglow, nothing mattered to them as their minds became jumbled meaningless puddles. The numbers began to materialize inside Adam and Tommy’s thoughts and drowning their past victories and battle memories to their horror.

As the ominous division symbol materialized, it seemed to cast a shadow over the darkened battlefield, signaling a new phase in the Rangers' torment. The evil digit hovered in the air, its malevolence palpable, and then struck with a force designed to shatter the very essence of heroism.

The division symbol unleashed a surge of energy that engulfed Adam and Tommy, their spandex-clad forms writhing in agony. The mist, once a witness to their victories, now bore witness to the slow erosion of their hope and courage.

Adam, his usually determined eyes now clouded with despair, muttered, "What's the point, Tommy? We're not... worthy of being Rangers."

Tommy, his usual resilience replaced by a profound sense of defeat, struggled to find words. "I can't... fight this anymore. Maybe we were never meant... to be heroes."

Turbo Green rubbed his wet crotch as he wanted another erection. "Maybe... we were fooling ourselves. Rangers or not, we're just... two guys who couldn't... handle the numbers."

Tommy nodded in reluctant agreement as he went after the same twisted relief out of their despairing situation. "The numbers... they've won. We’re nothing…”


Numbor materialized, accompanied by the shocking sight of the corrupted Tanya, the Yellow Ranger, her form now bloated and her once-heroic aura replaced with malevolence. Adam and Tommy, their disbelief evident in their wide eyes, never expected their comrade to fall so far.

"Numbor," stammered Adam, his voice choked with disbelief. "What have you done to Tanya?"

Numbor, his number features contorting into a sinister smile, responded with a cruel satisfaction. "I've perfected the equation. Tanya is now the embodiment of mathematical dominance, and you two are about to become my finest math slaves."

With a theatrical gesture, Numbor presented Tanya as if unveiling a prized possession. Her figure, now distorted by greed and corruption, exuded a twisted seductiveness. The mist seemed to thicken as Tanya, under the malevolent influence, savored in her newfound power.

Tanya, her once-kind eyes now clouded with avarice, unleashed a barrage of minus numbers upon Adam and Tommy. The cursed numerals didn't merely mar their spandex-clad suits but seared into their very flesh, becoming tattoos that symbolized their assimilation into Numbor's mathematical enslavement.

Adam implored his teammate, "Please, Tanya, fight this. You don't have to be a part of Numbor's twisted plan. You’re our only hope…"

The helmetless Tanya responded with a burst of cruel laughter. "Fight? There's nothing left to fight for. The numbers have shown me the path to power, and you two are nothing but pawns in that equation."

As the cursed tattoos pulsed with unnatural energy, Adam and Tommy found their heroic spirits waning. Regret for ever embracing the mantle of Power Rangers gnawed at them, a weight heavier than any they had faced before.

"Please, Tanya," begged Tommy, his voice trembling with a mix of despair and disbelief. "There must be a way to be free from Numbor’s influence.”

"Tanya, remind them of their mathematical inferiority," Numbor commanded with a malevolent glee.

The bloated, dominating Tanya approached the broken Rangers with deliberate steps. With each calculated movement, she crushed them under the weight of her body, savoring in the cruel reminder of her digit superiority.

Adam and Tommy, their bodies battered and broken, pleaded for mercy. "Tanya, please! We can't take much more of this," gasped Adam.

Tanya simply continued the onslaught. "Take it, Adam. Take the weight of your failure as a Ranger."

As the cursed minus numbers continued to sear into Adam and Tommy, their spirits plummeted into a deep abyss of despair. The once-mighty Power Rangers now found themselves ensnared in a relentless spiral of regret, the weight of their perceived failures pressing heavily upon them.

Turbo Red muttered words tainted with regret, "How did we get here? Rangers... it's all a mistake."

The hopeless Turbo Green added, "We thought we were heroes, but maybe we were just fooling ourselves."

Numbor added as his mathematical features contorted into a grin, "Yes, embrace the regret. It's a key component of the equation."

Adam groaned, "This was supposed to be our prime, not a constant struggle with regret. We were supposed to be exponential heroes, not just variables in some twisted math game."

The frustrated Tommy quipped, "Yeah, Tanya, Numbor, you've subtracted the joy from being Rangers. This equation sucks."

Numbor, his number features contorting into a numeric grin, concluded, "You're now in the negative zone of heroism, where regret multiplies, and victory is divided. Welcome to the dark side of my equation, Rangers."

The cursed digit tattoos pulsed on Adam and Tommy's skin, each throb mocking their once-heroic legacy. In the midst of the claggy beach, the Rangers found themselves in a numbing screeches of regret.

Adam, his voice choked with despair, muttered, "Those numbers are like echoes of our failures, reminding us that we were once Rangers."

Tommy, the once indomitable leader, fought back tears as he added, "Our past is haunting us, man. We thought we were doing the right thing, but now... it's all just numbers."

Tanya seized the opportunity to assert her dominance. With a wicked grin, she barked orders, "On your knees, Rangers! Worship your new goddess, the embodiment of mathematical power."

Numbor, the puppet master orchestrating this dark ballet, grinned with approval. "Yes, Tanya. Make them embrace the worship of regret and despair. Their obedience to your bloated supremacy is the final variable in my equation."

Adam, gasping for breath, murmured in disbelief, "This... this wasn't how it was supposed to end."

Tommy, his once-defiant spirit now fading, could only manage a weak protest, "Tanya, please... we were friends."

The murky beach became the setting for a dark ritual as Tanya, the corrupted goddess of mathematical domination, enacted her sadistic plan. With a malicious grin, she raised her bloated hand and delivered a resounding slap, imprinting the number zero onto the helmets of Adam and Tommy.

A searing pain shot through their minds as the numeral attack took hold. Memories, once vivid images of heroism and bonding, began to shatter. Scenes of battles fought and victories achieved faded into chaotic fragments. The number zero, now an ominous symbol, became a catalyst for the erasure of their heroic identities.

Adam and Tommy, once defiant and proud Rangers, screamed in agony as the mind-warping process unfolded. Tanya taunted them with a brutal glee.

"Tommy, what's happening?" Adam stuttered, clutching his helmet as if trying to anchor himself in a sea of chaos.

Tommy, once the fearless leader, grunted in pain. "This... this isn't right. We were Rangers, fighting for good."

Tanya, the architect of their descent, taunted them with a sadistic glee. "Rangers? Heroic memories? Prepare to witness the nullification of your meaningless past."

As the onslaught continued, scenes from their heroic adventures began to fragment, leaving behind vivid yet disjointed memories. The mist thickened with the ethereal echoes of their crumbling identities.

Adam, his voice filled with confusion, muttered, "I remember... fighting monsters. But it's all fading. What's real?"

The fat evil Tanya laughed with a malicious delight. "Welcome to the digit erasure, losers."

The claggy beach became a surreal theater of memory dissolution, scenes shifting and morphing in a tumultuous display. Adam clung to fragments of his memories, his voice shaky. "There was a Turbo Megazord, right? And monsters... What's happening to all that big stuff?"

The shattered Tommy muttered, "Friends, a mentor, Zords... But it's like they never existed. Why, like, why is this all turning into a bad dream?"

As the memories fractured, a specific scene emerged – a shared victory against a monstrous adversary. The mist revealed a giant creature, the Turbo Rangers united in their Zords, delivering a decisive blow. But the scene wavered, the clarity dissolving into an indistinct haze.

"We were unstoppable," Adam stammered, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But now... it's like it never happened. This is some crazy mind-warp, right?"

Tommy too struggled to grasp the fading memories. "A giant monster, our Zords working together…”

Tanya, the puppet master of their demise, laughed cruelly. "Rangers, heroes, zeros—what does it matter now? You're nothing but weaklings begging for mercy beneath body fat!”

Tanya took her cruelty a step further. She unleashed the pungent stench of flatulence, a vile attack on their senses designed to extinguish any remnants of courage.

"Take a whiff of reality, losers!" Tanya sneered, feasting in their humiliation. "This is the end of your heroism, replaced by the stench of your own defeat."

"Wh-what is that smell?" Adam gasped between strained breaths, his voice marked by a mixture of anguish and disbelief.

Tommy, stifling a gag, added, "This can't be happening. We fought monsters, not... not this!"

Adam and Tommy, once champions of justice, now found themselves ensnared in a nightmare. Their pleas for mercy mingled with the oppressive scent, a potent concoction of physical and psychological torment.

"Mercy, please!" Turbo Green begged with his voice trembling with desperation.

The gasping Turbo Red added his plea, "We surrender, just... just stop this!"

In unison, Adam and Tommy, their memories forever erased, dropped to their knees and bowed before Tanya. Their bodies, once adorned in vibrant spandex suits of heroism, now bore the marks of enslavement to her mathematical dominance.

“Where... where are we?" muttered Adam with his voice laden with confusion and despair.

The blank Tommy added, "I can't... I can't remember anything. Who are we?"

“Bow, my pathetic sluts! Worship your mistress as my Turbo Zeroes "

"D-don't we... serve you, Mistress Tanya?" Adam stuttered, his voice devoid of the heroic vigor that once defined him.

Tommy, once the leader, now a mere shell of his former self, added, "We're yours to command, Mistress. What do you require of us?"

In the haze of their enslavement, the Turbo Zeroes Adam and Tommy discarded their helmets. Their noses inhaled the utterly disgusting fart smell from the bloated Tanya still in her stretching Yellow Ranger suit. They had lost their way and found themselves compelled to express adoration for specific parts of Tanya's grotesquely altered body. Their once-heroic minds, now overwritten by mindless worship, stuttered out submissive remarks, praising their mistress's exaggerated form.

“Your feet are like, uh, wonders," Turbo Green mumbled with his voice a monotone echo of reverence.

The vacant Turbo Red added with vacant adoration, "Yeah, Mistress Tanya, let us, um, serve you with all we have."

The basking Tanya extended her feet and armpits with a smirk. The distinct odor that emanated from her commanded both submission and adoration from the Turbo Zeroes.

"Kneel before your queen, my loyal Turbo Zeroes," Tanya declared, her bratty tone filled with satisfaction.

Without hesitation, Adam and Tommy dropped to their knees, their minds void of resistance. As they massaged her feet and armpits, their worshipful dialogue became a surreal chorus of sycophantic praise.

"M-man, your feet are, like, the ultimate wonders," Adam stammered, his gaze fixated on Tanya's grotesquely swollen appendages.

Tommy, lost in adoration, added with robotic enthusiasm, "And, uh, your armpits, Mistress. They're, like, the pits of infinite greatness."

Tanya, delighted by their mindless commentary, chuckled with bratty satisfaction. "Oh, you Turbo Zeros sure know how to appreciate true beauty. Keep worshiping, my obedient helots."

The broken duo went further with their worship. They kissed and licked Tanya’s disgusting armpit and boots to their admiration. They sucked in the juicy sweat and grime in mindless awe. Their arms continued to rub down her swollen body in her skintight suit.

“So smelly yet so divine!” cried out Adam in his new simpleness with glee.

“I want more, Mistress! Please, I need more!” added Tommy as he slurped Tanya’s big fatty toe to her delight. The Power Rangers Turbo team was no more with their downfall and Tanya was their new owner.

The idiotic male Rangers were now turned into Tanya’s slaves. They gleefully licked her wet spandex-clad flabby body from the arms all the way to the thighs and beyond. Adam in particular had a fond for the smelly pits while Tommy went in the neck. The corrupted Yellow Ranger’s stench was their world now, ending their heroic journey and starting a new one as the queen’s pet.

Tanya flicked her fingers and Turbo Red and Green knew what that was. The hunky duo hugged and caressed each other in the most twisted, intimated ways. Their skintight heroic costumes rubbed against each other as their muscles tensed in arousal. Their limbs intertwined with each other just like their sloppy tongues. Gone was their memory of fighting evil and saving the world. Justice for them was to get the best horny experience in this moment. Their meats dueled and burst out to make a mess on their uniforms, degrading their personas into something they were corrupted into.

Kat the former Pink Ranger observed the unfolding scene with her master. Their mouths kissed passionately and wildly as Turbo Blue in a doggy style pose held her immense weight as a living chair. “This is my life now. I’m a pathetic boy. I fucked everything up and now paying the price. The numbers don’t lie!” shouted Justin with a blend of confusion, adoration, and terror. Nothing mattered to his little brain anymore.
