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Take a harrowing plunge into the sinister "Waterpark Nightmare." The Gouraigers find themselves entangled in a perilous battle as they struggle to escape the malevolent grip of the evil waterpark. What was once a summer haven now hides a sinister secret. Can they defy the waterpark's corrupting influence, or will they be all washed up, victims of a diabolical splashdown?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal Patreon friends:

Ty smith



Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas


Daniel K



Slide down the summer!


The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the bustling Natsu Mizu Amusement Park. Laughter echoed as children of all ages splashed and played in the vibrant waters. The Hurricanger Sentai heroes, Yousuke, Isshuu, Ikkou, Kouta, and Nanami, were dressed in their swimsuits and trunks, blending seamlessly with the crowd of summer revelers.

Nanami, her shoulder-length hair glistening with water droplets, had been enjoying herself in the pool's shallow end. Her sharp eyes caught sight of something unusual. A group of parents, drenched from head to toe in their summer attire, were walking away from the waterpark, their teenage sons and daughters trailing behind them.

"Kouta," Nanami called out, her voice filled with concern as she climbed out of the pool. "Come over here for a moment."

Kouta, lying on a poolside chair and engrossed in a magazine, looked up, the afternoon sun glinting off his sunglasses. "What's up, Nanami? Having fun?"

Nanami nodded, but her eyes remained fixed on the scene she had just witnessed. "Yes, but something strange just happened. Look over there."

She pointed toward the retreating parents, their clothing sticking to their bodies as they walked away from the waterpark, oblivious to the teenagers left behind.

Kouta squinted in the direction Nanami indicated. "Those parents? Maybe they're just going to get some ice cream or something. Relax, Nanami."

But as they watched, the parents turned a corner and disappeared from sight, still not acknowledging the teenagers who trailed behind them. Nanami and Kouta exchanged puzzled glances.

Nanami sighed, "Kouta, it's not about ice cream. Those parents left their kids behind as if they never had children. Something's not right."

Kouta furrowed his brow, finally setting his magazine aside. "You're right. That is strange. Let's check it out."

Together, they approached the bewildered teenagers, who were looking around, clearly confused and hurt by their parents' abandonment.

Nanami softly spoke to one of the teens, a girl with tears in her eyes. "Hey, are you okay? Your parents just left without you."

The girl nodded, her voice trembling. "I don't understand. They acted like they didn't even know me."

Kouta knelt down to speak to a teenage boy who seemed equally perplexed. "Did your parents say anything to you before they left?"

The boy shook his head. "No, they just walked away like they didn't care."

Nanami and Kouta exchanged concerned glances again. This was definitely not a normal situation.

Nanami looked back at the girl she had been speaking to. "Do you remember anything unusual happening before your parents left?"

The girl hesitated as if trying to recall a distant memory. "Well, now that you mention it, they seemed different after we got out of the pool. They were acting weird like they were in a trance."

Kouta's expression grew more serious. "Trance? That's not normal at all. Thanks for sharing that. We'll try to figure out what's going on."

Yousuke, Isshuu, Ikkou, Kouta, and Nanami, still dressed in their swimsuits and bikinis, knew that they couldn't solve the mystery in their untransformed states.

Nanami, her blue eyes reflecting the uncertainty of the situation, turned to the teenage girl they had just spoken to. "We need to investigate further. Can you show us where the other teenagers ran off to?"

The girl nodded eagerly, her trust in the heroes evident. "Sure, they went deeper into the underside of the looping waterslide tunnels. It's like a maze down there, but I think they need help."

Nanami smiled warmly at the girl, her voice soothing. "Don't worry. We'll be right back. Just stay here and meet our friends."

With a nod, the girl agreed, not suspecting that the heroes had a hidden agenda. The heroes needed to transform into their spandex-clad, helmeted superhero forms to face whatever lurked beneath the waterslides.

Nanami gestured for the others to follow her. "Let's find a safe place to transform. We don't want to draw attention."

With that, they left the teenagers to tend to their own concerns and regrouped with Yousuke, Isshuu, and Ikkou.

Nanami filled them in on what she and Kouta had discovered. "Something's definitely wrong here. These parents are leaving their kids behind, and the kids say their parents were acting strange after they got out of the water."

Yousuke, always the thoughtful leader, furrowed his brow. "We need to investigate this further. There might be a connection between the waterpark and these strange occurrences."

"Ninpuu, Shinobi Change!" they shouted in unison, their voices echoing through the secluded area behind the restroom facilities. As they spun their Shinobi Medals mounted on the front of their braces, their Ninja Suits equipped onto their bodies in a whirlwind of energy.

Once fully transformed, they stood as the Windy-Ninja Squadron Hurricaneger, ready to face the challenges ahead. They announced their arrival with a resounding declaration, their voices filled with conviction.

"Unknown to the people, unknown to the world, we become shadows to combat evil. Windy-Ninja Squadron Hurricaneger! A, Sanjō!”

With their transformation complete, they were now armed with their Sentai powers, ready to take on whatever malevolent force lurked in the shadows of the waterpark.

The Gouraigers, KabutoRaiger and KuwagaRaiger, also prepared to transform and join the fray. They called out their transformation sequence and initiated their Shinobi Change.

"Jinrai Shinobi Change!" they declared, pressing the button on the rear of their Changers. The carapace of the Gourai Changers opened, exposing their Shinobi Medals.

"Facing the shadows, slicing the shadows. Facing the light, slicing the light. Denkō Sekka Gōraijā, Kenzan!”

Now fully transformed into their formidable Gouraiger forms, they joined their fellow Hurricangers, their united force ready to explore the enigmatic waterslide tunnels and uncover the sinister mysteries lurking within.


The teenage girl and boy who had guided them earlier exchanged nervous glances, oblivious to the impending danger that lurked in the shadows of the waterpark's labyrinth. Nanami, with her aqua-blue attire, addressed the teenagers with a reassuring smile. "Thank you for helping us. Now, please lead the way to where the other teenagers ran off to. We'll do our best to help them."

The girl nodded, her trust in the heroes unwavering. "Of course, follow us. They went deeper into the underside of the looping waterslide tunnels, but it's a bit of a maze down there."

The boy added, "We tried to follow them, but it got confusing, and we got separated."

The heroes shared a determined look and prepared to follow the teenagers into the unknown. They trusted in their abilities, but little did they know that a sinister trap awaited them beneath the waterslides.

The group ventured toward the entrance of the maze, hidden behind a shimmering curtain of water. The illusion of serenity gave way to a chilling darkness as they stepped through, leaving the cheerful sounds of the waterpark behind. Only the distant sound of flowing water accompanied their journey.

KabutoRaiger, his crimson armor striking against the shadows, turned to the teenagers. "You're doing a great job. Just keep leading us in the direction they went."

The girl nodded, her voice trembling slightly. "I hope we find them soon. They were so scared."

KuwagaRaiger, his navy-blue suit accentuating the seriousness of the situation, reassured them. "Don't worry; we're here to help."

As they delved deeper into the twisting waterslide tunnels, the heroes couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The air grew colder and more oppressive, and the echoes of their footsteps seemed to stretch endlessly.

Ikkou, the observant member of the team, spoke up. "This place feels strange. Keep your guard up, everyone."

Nanami, her eyes scanning the dark tunnels, agreed. "We don't know what we might encounter down here. Let's stay close and find those missing teenagers."

They continued to follow the teenagers, the winding tunnels leading them further into the heart of the maze. The malevolent entity that had trapped the missing teenagers reveled in the confusion it had sown.

The teenage boy pointed ahead. "They went this way. We're getting closer."

Kouta, his voice filled with determination, nodded. "Good. Let's find them and get everyone out of here."

As they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the tunnels seemed to conspire against them, leading them down twisted paths and confusing turns. The heroes remained vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they came around a corner, they expected to find the missing teenagers waiting for them, but to their shock, the girl and boy had vanished without a trace. The heroes exchanged puzzled and concerned glances, realizing that something was amiss.

KabutoRaiger, his crimson armor glistening in the dim light, voiced their growing suspicion. "Where did they go? They were just here."

KuwagaRaiger, his navy-blue suit a stark contrast to the shadows, added, "This doesn't make sense. Did they slip away from us?"

HurricaneBlue Nanami with her sharp eyes scanning their surroundings grew increasingly uneasy. "I don't like this. Something's not right."

HurricaneYellow Kouta, his voice filled with concern, said, "We need to find them and figure out what's going on."

Isshuu, the perceptive Gouraiger, noticed movement to the left and alerted his brother, Ikkou. "Ikkou, look over there. I see another girl."

Ikkou nodded and followed Isshuu's lead, moving toward the distant figure. But as they took a few steps forward, they lost sight of their fellow Hurricaneger teammates. Panic gripped their hearts as they realized they were separated from the group.

The Gouraigers and Hurricanegers stood side by side, yet unable to perceive each other's presence. The malevolent forces of the waterpark had manipulated their perception, making them exist in separate dimensions that coexisted but remained forever out of reach.

Yousuke the HurricaneRed, couldn't help but mutter, "This is frustrating. I can't reach them, no matter how hard I try."

The two Gouraigers tried to contact the other heroes using their communication devices, but there was only eerie silence on the other end. Their attempts to reach their teammates went unanswered. The static-filled responses and haunting screams of children reverberated through their devices, sending waves of pain and confusion that clawed at their minds.

Ikkou the Crimson KabutoRaiger clutched his communicator with frustration etched on his face inside his helmet. "It's no use! I can't reach them. It's like we're in different worlds."

Meanwhile, the girl they had spotted in the distance stood alone, her presence somehow both alluring and unsettling. She seemed to beckon them closer, her voice carrying through the eerie tunnels.

"Help me," she called out, her tone filled with desperation.

Isshuu exchanged a glance with Ikkou, both torn between their duty to reunite with the Hurricanegers and their desire to assist the seemingly distressed girl.

Ikkou spoke softly to his brother, "We can't just leave her here. Let's go see if she needs help, and then we'll find the others."

Isshuu nodded in agreement, and together, they approached the girl cautiously. The atmosphere grew increasingly nauseating, and the endless looping tunnels seemed to warp their sense of direction.

The girl's voice grew more urgent as they neared her. "Please, hurry! I can't find my friends, and it's so dark in here."

Despite their unease, the Gouraigers couldn't ignore her pleas. They moved closer until they were within arm's reach of the girl.

"Hey, wait! We're here to help!" Ikkou shouted, taking a step forward.

But the girl didn't respond to their pleas. Instead, she turned and fled deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels. Just as they were about to offer assistance, the world around them shifted and twisted. The walls of the waterslide tunnels seemed to close in, and the echoing laughter of their fellow heroes and the sound of flowing water became distorted and nightmarish.

The girl's appearance began to change, her features warping into something otherworldly. Her voice no longer held the desperate tone of a damsel in distress but instead took on an eerie, hypnotic quality.

"Welcome to my world," she whispered, her words sending a chill down the Gouraigers' spines.

At that moment, Isshuu and Ikkou realized they had been lured into an eldritch trap, their desire to help twisted and exploited by the malevolent forces that lurked within the waterpark.

As Ikkou and Isshuu rounded yet another corner, their surroundings shifted once more, and they finally realized the terrible truth—they had fallen headlong into a cunning trap, masterminded by the girl they had pursued. She had exploited their unwavering desire to help those in need, leading them deeper into the heart of this sinister waterpark.

Just as the chilling realization dawned upon them, a horde of zombified teenagers emerged from behind different loops of waterpark slides. These once-innocent youths were now grotesque, their skin pallid, eyes devoid of life, and their claws gleaming ominously in the dim, eerie light.

The Gouraigers, filled with dread, immediately attempted to summon their personal weapons—the Horn Breaker and Stag Breaker. With swift and practiced motions, they extended their arms, each clutching their unique weapon, ready to combat the encroaching evil.

Ikkou raised his gloved hand high. "Horn Breaker!"

Isshuu followed suit. "Stag Breaker!"

However, the eldritch powers that governed the waterpark had other plans. As they reached out to summon their weapons, their hands grasped only empty air. Shocked expressions crossed their faces as the weapons failed to materialize in their hands.

Ikkou's voice quivered with disbelief. "What... where are our weapons?"

Isshuu's words came out in a petrified haze, his voice trembling. "I can't... I can't summon the Stag Breaker!"

The weapons were manifested inside the water-filled tunnels, but just out of their reach. They could only watch in despair as their prized tools were swiftly carried away by the relentless torrents, disappearing into the nightmarish abyss.

Fear surged through the heroes as the zombified teenagers closed in, their lifeless eyes fixated on their prey. The heroes were torn between their unwavering duty to protect innocent lives and their desperate desire to avoid causing harm to these afflicted children. This internal conflict became a slow and agonizing downfall as the relentless onslaught of attacks began.

The zombified teens lunged at the heroes with ferocious determination. Their claws slashed through the air, kicks and punches landed with brutal force, and they even attempted to bite the heroes' vulnerable spandex-clad forms. Each strike left painful bruises and shallow cuts, and their Sentai costumes became increasingly battered and torn.

Then teens then took aim before hurling countless sticky water balloons toward KabutoRaiger and KuwagaRaiger. The water balloons didn't behave as expected. Instead of exploding upon impact, they adhered to the heroes' spandex-clad bodies, clinging to them like malevolent leeches. Unbeknownst to Ikkou and Isshuu, the balloons were sapping their energy, causing an unsettling weakening effect.

Ikkou grunted as the parasitic water balloons clung to his spandex-clad body despite him trying his best to rip them away. "Stay vigilant, Isshuu! These water balloons are no ordinary threat."

Ikkou, trembling but resolute, declared, "We'll find a way to dry off and escape, Isshuu. We can't be defeated by mere water balloons!"

Isshuu, his voice laced with determination, affirmed, "You're right, Ikkou. We're more than a drizzle; we're a ninja storm!"

Yet, fate was relentless on the two heroes. Once the water balloons sapped enough Sentai energy off the Gouraigers, the cursed items exploded with ferocity. Multiple strong eruptions essentially threw Ikkou and Isshuu back and forth until they hit the surface of a water tunnel and fell down shamefully.

Ikkou and Isshuu fought back with all their might, channeling their inner strength and martial prowess. They tried to subdue the zombified teenagers without causing them harm, desperately seeking a way to free them from the eldritch grasp of the waterpark.

Ikkou, his voice filled with desperation and sadness, yelled, "We can't hurt them! We must find another way!"

The water balloons didn't behave as expected. Instead of exploding upon impact, they adhered to the heroes' spandex-clad bodies, clinging to them like malevolent leeches. Unbeknownst to Ikkou and Isshuu, the balloons were sapping their energy, causing an unsettling weakening effect.

"Our strikes... they lack power.”

Isshuu, struggling to hold back the relentless attackers, added with equal anguish, "Our powers... our suits... they won't hold out much longer!"

Then, the most horrifying thing happened. Ikkou and Isshuu couldn't believe their ears as their own voices echoed eerily from distant speakers throughout the waterpark. These weren't their words; it was as if their identities had been stolen and twisted to serve the waterpark's dark agenda.

Isshuu heard his own voice being grotesquely cheerful, "Welcome to the waterpark, where adventure knows no bounds! Join us, your trusted ninja heroes, on a journey through twists and turns, fun and excitement. You're in for the watery ride of your life."

Ikkou was appalled when he heard his voice being so excited. “That's right! We're here to ensure you have the best time of your life in our watery paradise. So dive in, make a splash, and let the good times flow."

The real KuwagaRaiger was outraged in his depleted state. "This is an outrage. Our voices, our identities – they're being used to lure more victims into this hellhole!"

Such a betrayal was a delight for the zombified teens as they continued their onslaught to push the two heroes where they want them to be. "Listen to your heroes, folks! They're telling you to surrender to the waterpark's embrace."

While Ikkou and Isshuu fought desperately to protect themselves from the relentless onslaught of zombified teenagers, their attention was suddenly drawn to an unexpected and horrifying turn of events. A waterpark slide tunnel end, previously unnoticed, shifted behind them with eerie swiftness.

Ikkou's eyes widened in shock, and he stammered, "Isshuu, look! What in the world..."

Isshuu turned to face the newly appeared tunnel, his expression a mix of disbelief and horror. "This... this wasn't here before! It just... materialized!"

Before they could react, the plastic tunnel burst open with an ear-piercing crack, releasing a torrent of icy-cold, toxic water with incredible force. The gush of water completely caught the Gouraiger heroes off guard, and their eyes widened in terror.

Ikkou and Isshuu were helplessly carried through the air, their bodies flung like ragdolls, crashing into the sides of more slide tunnels with a painful thump. The impact left them momentarily stunned, disoriented from the sudden turn of events.

As they lay there, gasping for breath and their bodies aching, they began to feel an insidious, burning sensation seeping through their forms. The evil toxic water that now surrounded them was an unseen enemy, creeping into the open wounds and cuts on their battered bodies.

Ikkou clenched his teeth, his voice strained as he struggled to speak. "It... it burns! What's happening, Isshuu?"

Isshuu grimaced, his muscles twitching involuntarily as he felt the pain intensify. "I... I don't know, Ikkou. This... this isn't right."

Agonizing throbs radiated from the points of impact, and the corruption spread like wildfire through their systems. The once-vibrant colors of their Sentai suits began to take on a sickly hue, reflecting the insidious transformation taking place within them.

Ikkou's voice trembled with despair as he muttered, "This... this can't be happening. We can't be defeated like this."

Isshuu, his features twisted with anguish, added, "We can't let it consume us. We have to find a way to break free. For the sake of those kids and our fellow Hurricanegers!"

But the odds were stacked against them. The evil influence of the toxic water was relentless, slowly but surely corroding their willpower and causing excruciating pain. Every attempt to resist the corruption felt like a battle against an unyielding tide.

The pain became more intense with each passing moment. Their limbs twitched involuntarily, and the burning sensation within them spread like a malevolent fire. It was as if the very essence of the eldritch waterpark was seeping into their beings, corrupting them from the inside out.

Ikkou's breathing grew ragged, and his voice took on a frenzied tone as he gasped, "We have to... we have to fight it! We can't let this place... this evil... win!"

With Ikkou and Isshuu finding themselves ensnared in a nightmarish battle for their very existence, the zombified teenagers surrounding them began to chant a haunting and eerie lullaby. Their voices were off-key, their movements jerky and unnatural, and their eyes remained devoid of life as they circled closer and closer to the struggling and pained Gouraiger heroes.

"KabutoRaiger and KuwagaRaiger, heroes bold,

In the waterpark's depths, your fate unfolds.

With every drop of tainted water, you decay,

Forever bound to this place, you'll stay."

The words of the chant sent shivers down the spines of Ikkou and Isshuu, their skin prickling with dread. The zombified teens sang in eerie unison, their voices a discordant melody that filled the air with a sinister aura.

Ikkou gritted his teeth, his voice trembling as he muttered, "This... this song... it's piercing my brain."

Isshuu, his body wracked with pain, added with a grimace, "I can feel it too, Ikkou. It's like it's burrowing into my mind."

The circle of zombified teenagers closed in, their lifeless eyes fixed on the heroes with an unsettling intensity. Their movements became more synchronized, their eerie lullaby growing louder and more unsettling with each passing moment.

The Gouraigers, their minds clouded by the haunting melody, could only watch in horror as the zombified teenagers drew nearer. The chant seemed to reverberate through the very walls of the waterpark, an eerie reminder of the malevolent force that held them captive.

Ikkou clenched his fists to burn through the fog of despair. "We can't let this song... break us, Isshuu. We have to resist!"

Ikkou's breathing grew ragged as he tried to block out the haunting melody. "We have to stay strong, Isshuu. Our willpower... it's our only weapon now."

But the malevolent waterslide tunnel had other plans. From within its dark depths, a sinister gush of toxic water burst forth, coalescing into grotesque tentacles. The tentacles snaked toward the heroic duo, their malevolence unmistakable.

Ikkou's eyes widened as he shouted, "Look out, Isshuu!"

The Gouraigers moved quickly, trying to evade the looming threat, but the watery tentacles were relentless. With a sudden lunge, they pierced through Ikkou and Isshuu's mouthguards, effectively gagging their mouths.

"Mmmph...!" muffled Ikkou's cries.

"Nnhh...!" Isshuu made desperate attempts to break free.

Their struggles to grab and cut the watery intruders proved futile. Their gloved hands passed through the evil liquid as if it were nothing, unable to touch or harm the malevolence that threatened to overpower them. With relentless force, the tentacles continued to pump toxic water into their stomachs.

Ikkou, with eyes bulging and hands clutching at the tentacles, muttered through the gag, "Ugghh... We... can't let them... break us, Isshuu..."

Isshuu's face contorted in agony as he declared, "Nnggh... Never... Surrender..."

As the water invaded their bodies, the strain on their heroic costumes became evident. The belts of their Gouraiger Ninja attire strained against the growing pressure and ultimately snapped, unable to contain the expanding size of their bellies. Their faces inside their helmets grew pale, and their voices became an incomprehensible jumble of sounds as their willpower was overpowered by the malevolent forces at play.

The tentacles finally released their grip, leaving Ikkou and Isshuu gasping for breath and in torment.

Ikkou, struggling to regain composure, gasped, "We can't... give in..."

Isshuu, his eyes filled with determination, wheezed, "We'll find... a way... to fight back..."

Above them, the eerie waterslide tunnels cast elongated shadows, a haunting reminder of their entrapment.

The zombified teens, having emerged victorious in their cruel torment, could not contain their mockery.

"Look at 'em, all puffed up like balloons!" they jeered.

"Pathetic! They thought they could defy us," mocked another.

"This waterpark's got 'em now!" declared a third.

The Gouraigers, beaten and battered, exchanged stuttering words of doubt.

Ikkou stammered, "Isshuu... Can we... break free?"

Isshuu, equally uncertain, replied, "Ikkou, I... I don't know..."

The two heroes kneeled due to exhaustion. That didn’t give me any reprieve, only more abuse as the pale zombified teens gathered around. The two boys suddenly lunged out at Ikkou and Isshuu and ripped their helmets away.

The duo was shocked to have their faces exposed, yet they were more shocked to have their mouth gagged again. This time, the zombie teens’ batons choked them hard and long before pissing inside the Gouraigers’ throats.

The effect was horrendous. The smell was nauseating and the excess urine itself poured back out the heroes’ mouths to drool down their spandex-clad necks. The eyes of KabutoRaiger and KuwagaRaigers became white due to the overwhelming carnality. “Smell your new world, Ninjas!” mocked one of the teens who enjoyed his tension release.

The heroes’ own batons sprung up and unloaded themselves, wetting the groins of Ikkou and Isshuu against their own will. “Wet… Wet…” groaned Ikkou while losing himself in the sensual barrage.

“Urine… Urine!” Isshuu’s condition was as bad as his teammate’s.


As if their torture wasn’t bad enough, an even worse turn of fate awaited them. The tunnel end they had seen earlier, the one that had blasted them with a torrent of toxic water, returned with a sinister purpose. This time, it wasn't about blowing them away—it wanted to suck them in.

KabutoRaiger and KuwagaRaiger with their bloated bodies felt the insidious pull of the tunnel's suction force. It tugged at them relentlessly, like an invisible abyss trying to swallow them whole. Despite their defiant dialogue and the last shreds of their willpower, they were powerless to resist the inexorable pull.

Ikkou clenched his fists in frustration as muttered, "No... not like this. We can't give up!"

Isshuu added while holding the pain from the puffed-up stomach that churned violently, "We've faced countless challenges together. We won't let this place claim us!"

But their defiant words were met with mocking laughter from the zombified teenagers. Their monstrous, soulless voices filled the air with eerie guffaws as they circled around the heroes, reveling in their torment. “Chubby ninjas must be popped!”

Amidst the chilling laughter, a new eerie song began to emanate from the lips of the zombified teens, the lyrics dripping with malevolence.

"In the depths where shadows creep,

KabutoRaiger and KuwagaRaiger, you shall weep.

Sucked into the darkness, lost and alone,

In this waterpark's grasp, you'll never find home."

The chanting continued, the lullaby's eerie melody now accompanied by the haunting lyrics that seemed to resonate with the heroes' dire situation. The suction force grew stronger, and Ikkou and Isshuu could feel themselves being inexorably drawn toward the tunnel end.

Ikkou and Isshuu's desperate struggle against the inexorable pull of the tunnel's suction force proved futile. Their fingers clawed at the ground, but the malevolent abyss of the waterpark had already ensnared them. With a horrifying lurch, they lost their footing and were helplessly hurled toward the gaping maw of the slide tunnel, disappearing from sight.

As they entered the tunnel's interior, a wave of dread washed over them. The tight, moist confines enveloped them, closing in like the insides of a grotesque, living organism. It was an unbearable sensation as if they had been swallowed whole by some eldritch entity.

The pressure inflicted on both heroes by the suffocating space made them vomit all the toxic water from their bellies on each other. Ikkou and Isshuu screamed in a humiliated state as they were gushed by liquid puke mixed with their own drenching urine. But it was just the beginning.

To their horror, their spandex suits were now exposed and coated in a slimy, goopy version of the same toxic water that had corrupted them. The vile substance clung to their bodies, amplifying its corruption on them as they were pulled deeper into the suffocating tunnel.

Ikkou's voice, tinged with desperation, echoed through the slimy darkness. "This... this is insane!"

Isshuu, his body pressed tightly against Ikkou's, grunted in agreement.

But the tunnel seemed to squeeze them even tighter, the moist walls closing in with an unrelenting grip. The darkness was absolute, and their defiant dialogue was drowned out by the suffocating confines of the tunnel.

The goopy slime that coated their exposed skin seemed to seep into every pore, every crevice of their bodies, as if it were penetrating their very souls. It was a sensation of corruption, of being devoured from within, and the heroes could do nothing but endure the nightmarish ordeal.

As they were pulled deeper into the tunnel, the pressure on their bodies increased, making each breath a struggle. Their arms were rendered powerless, pinned to their sides by the relentless force that sought to crush them.

Ikkou's voice, strained and desperate, barely pierced the suffocating confines of the tunnel. "I... can't breathe, Isshuu. It's... like an oni’s grip on my whole body... closing in."

The crushing pressure was unbearable, and the Gouraiger heroes could feel their bodies being slowly and agonizingly compressed. Each breath became a struggle, the air growing thin and stifling as they ventured deeper into the relentless darkness. Their limbs felt heavy and leaden, and the oppressive atmosphere threatened to steal their consciousness.

Isshuu, his body pressed tightly against Ikkou's, responded with a grunt of agony. "Hang on, Ikkou. We can't... give in to this... nightmare."

Desperation clawed at their minds as they tried to move their arms, but the relentless grip of the tunnel held them in a vice-like embrace. Every attempt to break free was met with futility, and a sense of hopelessness settled in as their heroic instincts seemed powerless.

Ikkou's voice, a final scream of resistance and denial, echoed through the claustrophobic darkness. "No... this can't be the end! We can't be... devoured like this!"

Isshuu, his voice equally filled with defiance, joined his comrade in a final, fervent cry. "We're... Gouraigers! We won't... surrender to the abyss!"

But the tunnel seemed to feed on their last surge of defiance, its relentless pressure squeezing tighter and tighter. The heroes could feel themselves being inexorably drawn toward the maw of darkness that awaited them, and the realization that their struggle was in vain sent shockwaves of despair through their hearts.

The tunnel's suffocating embrace and the gnawing fear of being consumed as food overwhelmed them, and the Gouraiger heroes could do nothing but unleash one final, ear-piercing scream of resistance and denial before the darkness devoured their consciousness. Their voices echoed in the abyss, a testament to their unyielding spirit in the face of unimaginable horror.

Ikkou's voice, a final scream of resistance and denial, echoed through the claustrophobic darkness. "No... this can't be the end!"

Isshuu joined his comrade in a final, fervent cry. "We... fail!"

In the eerie void of the eldritch waterpark, the voices of the captured Gouraigers could be faintly heard, but they were no longer filled with the fierce defiance of heroes. Instead, their words echoed hollow and defeated, a stark contrast to their previous spirit.

Ikkou's voice, once unwavering, now sounded weary and resigned. "We... can't fight this..."

Isshuu's voice, equally diminished, carried a sense of surrender. "The darkness... it consumes us..."

Their words hung in the air, a haunting reminder of the heroes who had once stood strong against evil but now found themselves crushed in the malevolent clutches of the eldritch waterpark. The waterpark had savored the taste of the two ninja Sentai heroes as appetizers.



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