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What did I get after finished playing Homefront: The Revolution and reading Power Rangers: Aftershock comic? Yeah, a conspiracy theory!

The 2017 Power Rangers movie set place in United States that had fallen into debt to North Korea after countless years of mismanagement. I can’t blame the Norks to be angry as the Americans couldn’t pay what they owed, but were the concentration camps really that necessary? The KPA and their Apex corporation partner/employer (since Korea here was basically a corporate Juche state instead of the usual Juche dictatorship) dominated all aspects of American life, but got their hands full throughout the occupation.

The breakdown of American society post-bankruptcy and occupation would surely explain why there was no significant police or military presence in Angel Grove to fight Rita, but that’s just my imagination.

And my imagination tells me that the Rangers will get worse troubles after their big battle in canon once Apex got the knowledge of their existence!

Special thanks to my amazing patrons:



Arthur Edward Kopellas



Matt Thomas

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K





Are you ready to do your part with Apex?

Jason woke up groggily. He had the worst headache of his life. His sight was blurred and the fact that the room he was in was dark didn’t really help.

The youngster groaned at the pain. It didn’t come from a particular wound or bruises. Somehow, it just emanated from his whole body like the most uncomfortable sensation.

He gasped. His body jolted but refused to move. He tried to slide his arms but it was useless. Jason was bound on a chair, locked on the wrists, ankles, and neck. “What the… What’s going on here?”

Jason looked down and gulped. At least, he was still protected by his Power Ranger suit. The alien-looking texture of the costume gleamed metallic red under the dim light of the room. His helmet was there too to hide his identity. “Hello?”

The Ranger flinched as three bright lights beamed at him. He groaned before his helmet visor adapted to the luminosity. It barely adapted as the suit’s system was losing its potency.

Jason could feel the burnout. His body was tired. He didn’t know whether it was from a battle or something worse. No matter the reason, the lethargy made it impossible for him to even break the feeble chair straps to escape. Jason whined, then shouted, “Monsters like you don’t scare me. You can’t break me as I am a Ranger. We’re the heroes who have beaten Rita!”

“Monster?” asked the feminine voice from the dark. “How about Man, Rangers?”

The lights dimmed a bit so that the silhouette of a woman could be seen by Jason. Her heels clicked as she stepped into view. She was a fair woman in a business suit. Her brunette hair was silky and beautiful. Her intention was not really as Jason could sense. “Who are you?”

“I’m the one who is going to congratulate you on your team’s success in bringing down national threats in Angel Grove. First Rita and his Goldar monstrosity, then the Hogan siblings. Who knows what could have happened if they were let loose.” The woman slightly bent down toward Jason. “I’m also the one who’s going to tell you that we can take it from here.”

“Where are my friends? What are you planning to do with us?”

The woman dragged another metallic chair and sat on it in a rather enticing pose. “Silly me, I should have known that it is rude not to introduce myself and my plans. My name is Melanie Sheer, you can call me The Director. I represent Apex Corporation. You may have heard about us.”

“You’re…” Jason’s words ended with hesitation. “You’re helping us rebuild America.”

Director Sheer giggled. “What’s with the hesitation? Ah, perhaps you also have heard rumors about us. That’s understandable as our responsibility here is so huge. Some neglections are unavoidable.” She then smirked. “For your case, there won’t be any neglections.”

Jason’s blue eyes glared at the woman. “With all due respect, Director. We don’t work for anyone. It is better for us Rangers to do our duty on our own.”

“Of course you have some considerations for that standpoint and I understand, but I think you fail to see the bigger picture. America has fallen, Ranger. It fell due to the unsustainable individualistic mindset that our former leaders and forefathers upheld so greedily. Our country waged wars after wars even when it was clear that they were unwinnable. From Southeast Asia to the Middle East, we are pouring our innocent children and countless wealth to be burned. We had it coming and I joined Apex with the goal of not seeing such failure again.” Director Sheer crouched before Jason. “Your team is the epitome of how the spirit of collaboration could bring us to a better future. I need you to be our symbol of hope.”

Jason sighed, even gave off a sly smile inside his helmet. It was clear that the director’s intentions were noble, but there was a clear line to be drawn as Zordon’s warriors. “While I am humbled with your mentioning, the Ranger path laid by our mentor is clear. We shouldn’t be tied to any powers in our pursuit of justice. We should be fair in fighting threats from Rita Repulsa and other evil powers that may arise.”

“It’s a shame,” said Director Sheer coldly as she stood back up. “I thought you are a patriot, but I was wrong.”

“That’s not-” Jason’s words got cut off when the jet-black background lit up with a row of observation room windows. There were figures watching.

“Your reluctance makes us question your true motive, Ranger. I begin to suspect that you only try to look benevolent when in truth, you are stirring up chaos in the background.”

Jason felt tense. The situation clearly wasn’t going well. “No, you got it wrong-”

“We tried to persuade you, but it is obvious that Rangers aren’t willing to help America’s cause.” Director Sheer flicked her fingers. “You must understand that when Apex wants it, we will get it for the benefit of all.”

“Look, Lady, this is all just a big misunderstanding. We’re Rangers, we don’t work for anyone. Now-” Jason didn’t expect the director to rip her skirt and revealed a leotard-like costume within. He surely didn’t expect her to sit on his lap, with her legs dangling on his side. “What… What are you doing?”

“I’m gonna do an intimate approach, Ranger. Let see if you still can resist after.” Director Sheer flicked her fingers.

Jason felt strange. He heard a low hum emanating from somewhere he couldn’t point out. He felt his whole body vibrate with a barely-noticeable tingle. The Red Ranger gulped as the sensation increasingly encroaching. “What are you doing to me?”

“I have no obligation to explain it to you, but I’ll humor you. You see, we have been watching you even before the big mess up at Angel Grove. We couldn’t figure out your secret identity, but we got the next best thing.” Director Sheer’s hands began to explore Jason’s chest. Her fingers felt every texture and detail of the alien costume. “We got the signature of your transformation energy. It took some time and some unfortunate lab accidents, but we finally got it right. What you’re experiencing right now is our synthetic version of it.” Director Sheer hesitated to find the right word as she was too enticed to think about it. “It does things to your connection with this superhero spandex of yours.”

“It will take more than a lousy light show to take me down - Hurgh!” Jason got the worst surprised as an unseen force struck his helmet from the side. One side then the other. The gasping Red Ranger finally saw the assailant as a soldier hiding in the darkness. The figure retreated back as Sheer lifted her leg.

Jason whooped as the director kicked him right in the abs. She then used the deadly feet to kick his helmet as the final humiliation. Probably not, since the director had many more things in store for the Red Ranger.

Jason’s breaths were sharp and shallow. “This is nothing, I can handle this - KYAAH!”

The Red Ranger squealed like a girl as Sheer grabbed his crotch. Her grip traced the increasingly apparent bulge as the sensation overloaded Jason’s mind. His meat grew without his consent as his subconscious obeyed the strange vibration. It didn’t take long before the director was holding a massive baton. “My my, what a big boy you are!”

Another slap to the helmet as the torment continued. Jason was trapped between physical abuse on his head, chest, as well as abs and the uncontrollable arousal between his legs. His mind traveled places and explored possibilities that he didn’t even want to know. His hazy thought agreed on one thing: this was worse than anything Rita threw at him.

Director Sheer traced Jason’s meat from the beginning of his crack through the shaft before caressing the tip. The Red Ranger struggled and squirmed in his bondage. “Soon, you won’t know the difference between pain and pleasure. Only then you can serve our Glorious Leader in his entirety…” whispered Director Sheer with serpentine words.

Jason’s resistance worked. The chair bind snapped and the Red Ranger gave the director a good slap in the face. The hero broke out of bondage to boot the looming armored Apex guard. There were clanking noises of the soldiers’ dropped melee weapons. Loud crashes were heard as they slumped back at the radiation emitter.

The Red Ranger put out a fighting stance, but the battle was already over. The bright row of windows flickered out of existence. As the replacement, loud siren noise blared with spinning emergency lights.

Jason dashed out of the torture room. He simply needed to crash through the door and out of the tight corridor. Two guards waited to ambush him at the end. They didn’t last long.

Security cameras tracked the superhero’s escape. The Red Ranger dashed across the tall hallway adorned with Apex banners. It had the ambiance of a fascist building.

His understanding of Korean was not good, but it was good enough to know exits when he came across them. The sign was bright red too anyway. Jason turned to the left to get out of this cursed place.

He blasted the door and abruptly stopped. He was out of the hallway but not the building. He wasn’t sure that he was in a building anymore. He found an observation deck with clouds all over wherever he could see. Where there was no cloud, there was the panorama of a broken city. Jason was in the air. “What the…”

The realization struck him. His prison, his bondage was in one of Apex’s high-tech airships overlooking an urban area. He recognized at least one landmark: his school building. The KPA had come to Angel Grove.

The silhouettes of other zeppelins came into view with a long trail of smoke behind them. All around, Duster drones darted across like a flock of crows. His helmet’s advanced auditory sensors picked sounds he never wished to hear. Those were the screams of people below. APEX was gassing them. “NO!”

But the Red Ranger didn’t get the chance for his vendetta as a devastating kick sent him flying to the side. Sliding on the causeway, Jason could see his culprit. He couldn’t believe it. “Zack!”

The Black Ranger rushed toward him. The Red Ranger got up and backflipped in time before his teammate’s boot could crush his helmet. “What are you doing?!”

Zack didn’t respond. He simply put out his signature fighting pose before continuing his relentless assault. Kicks after kicks, jabs and punches after jabs and punches, and everything were closed with a sweeping kick that brought down the Red Ranger. The Black Ranger finished him off with a dropkick right on the chest.

Jason felt tired. He only fought Zack for a few minutes, but the fatigue already set in. He stumbled his way back up. He was too slow and thus, the Black ranger successfully choked him.

Zack lifted his team leader high. “What… Happened to you?” blurted  Red Ranger with a gurgle.

“We treated him, that’s what happened, courtesy of our advisors from Pyongyang,” said Director Sheer who came into the scene. She immediately fingered her way across Zack’s perfect body, touching every detail of his beautiful abs. “He has surrendered himself wholly to America’s cause.”

“Zack, stop this!” Jason begged his teammate. He instead received a devastating blow on the stomach. One, two, three, until the hero vomited out his saliva inside the helmet. Then, the worse came.

Another hand came to grab Red Ranger’s groin from behind. Jason yelped and squirmed while looking down to identify his second attacker. The hand was blue with similar costume details as his. It was the Blue Ranger. “Billy…”

Director Sheer licked Zack’s helmet with lust. “Boys will always be boys. As soon as we tapped into their wildest fantasy, we had them in our pocket. Now, the Black and Blue Rangers are the property of Apex as you will soon be too.” She giggled. “Tell me, Red Ranger. What’s your biggest fantasy?”

“I ain’t telling you shit!” Jason squealed again as Billy groped his meat. His erection betrayed his heroic statement. Then Billy used his finger.

Jason’s tongue stuck out as the Blue Ranger’s index finger dug deep into his rear. The costume held, but the radiation’s effect on it was already made unbearable. Jason knew that his teammate’s finger was small, then why was the huge thing he felt attempting to penetrate his end?

“Do you like it, Ranger? We found out about this effect early on. In addition to weakening the wearer, our synthetic Morph radiation actually amplifies any touch on it. Hits will hurt more without actually causing any damage and certain intimate treatment like the one your blue friend is doing right now feel a thousand times better without compromising the structural integrity. In our view, it’s a win-win solution. We can abuse you into submission without requiring you to pay attention to the property damage clause.”

“I am not your property! I am a Ranger!” shouted Jason angrily.

“I am a Ranger too,” replied the Black Ranger monotonously.

“I am a Ranger too. I am an Apex Ranger,” added the Blue Ranger.

“Apex Ranger, like you will be too.”

Director Sheer fondled Zack’s helmet chin. “Another thing, we are not interested in knowing your real identity, Ranger. It’s so much better to just turn you into an obedient nameless drone than to pay attention to your life history. That’s what were doing to the Pink and Yellow Rangers.”

“Don’t you dare touch them! KYAAH!” Jason’s persona as the team leader was really damaged in front of his enemies. He screamed like a damsel in distress despite his macho appearance.

“Since we’re not the ones who touch you, Apex won’t have to deal with human rights violation case. Here, we’re letting the inmates fume out their anger.”

The Black Ranger slammed him to the floor and the Blue Ranger stepped on his helmet over and over again. Jason’s vision started to blur as his consciousness faded. At the last moment, he could hear Director Sheer hissed in satisfaction as she bent down before the Black Ranger’s standing meat in costume. “Finally, we got the full collection…”

The Red Ranger woke up to feel both of his arms above his head. His wrists were bound on a chain. His boot stepped on the tall podium. “Wha… What’s happening…”

Then he saw the bigger picture. He wasn’t standing on a stage. He was standing on a giant aquarium tank in the shape of a cylinder. There were two other tanks in the darkness, lit up by lights from underneath them. Inside, the Pink and Yellow Rangers struggled.

Before Jason could sound a protest, the floor under him collapsed. The trap door opened and sent him splashing down the aquarium tank. In a second, a second lid trapped him inside.

The Ranger suit was good at filtering air, but would be good at filtering water? Jason didn’t want to stay in that glass prison to find out. He put all of his strength to break the chains. He was a superhero, that should be easy.

But the grim realization struck him. His arms were still locked inside the intertwining chains no matter how hard he tried to yank them out. Somehow, his Rangers power became useless.

The panicking Jason looked out to see his teammates. Kimberly and Trini were in the same peril as him. Their hands were bound as their legs desperately trying to keep their head above the water. Between the two struggles, it was clear that the heroines were losing their fight.

Jason was losing his fight too. He couldn’t find the bottom of that glass tank. He kicked his legs to stay afloat. Perhaps he would be fine to stay submerged, but something in the back of his mind would let him explore that possibility. He chose to just stick with the know facts: he would live if he struggle to stay on the surface.

Minutes passed, then hours. Jason lost the track of time as his prison kept him in place. One day he was a superhero, the other he was a desperate guy in a silly costume. Apex would have him in no time.

No! Jason shouted. That’s what Apex wanted. They wanted him to give up. To be their lapdog. He wouldn’t let them.

“We… We surrender…,” the sobbing voice struck the Red Ranger. “Please let us out of here…”

To his surprise, that was Kimberly. The mighty Pink Ranger. She gave up as she pounded the trapdoor in desperation.

“I can’t take it anymore… Let me serve your cause… I will tell you everything!” screamed the defeated Trini in the next tank. Her fight was over too.

Two Power Rangers. Two strong-hearted youngsters chosen by Zordon as his warriors. Both gave up under pressure. Perhaps they didn’t deserve their powers.

Perhaps HE didn’t deserve his Tyrannosaurus powers. He was weak, a failure. The only reason why the Rangers were captured and brainwashed into servitude was because of his feebleness as the team leader. Jason’s breaths were sharp and shallow as the emotions flooded his brain like the water around him. He didn’t deserve to be a hero.

“The only one who can give you worth is our Glorious Leader and Apex. Pledge your allegiance and we can change the world together,” whispered Director Sheer through the hidden microphone in the aquarium tank. Her voice mixed with the detrimental effects of the chemicals in the water brought down Jason’s mental strength. The Red Ranger nodded while sobbing.

Water gushed out as the tank was removed from the bottom lip. The Red Ranger came crashing down gracelessly fell to the wet floor. He gasped at the fresh air that came through his mouthguard.

There was a silhouette before him. Standing in front of the defeated hero was Director Sheer. She didn’t say a thing but Jason understood.

Using his bound hands, he removed his helmet. He revealed his true identity to his adversary. But he did even more than that. “My name is Jason Lee Scott, a senior at Angel Grove High.”

The Red Ranger discarded his helmet and bent forward. He filled his mouth with Director Sheer’s feet. He could smell her sweaty aroma as the director intended. The scent filled his nostril and jolted his submissive brain. He felt complete while sucking her toe. He moaned and squeaked at the satisfaction. He was satisfied with his new fate to serve his mistress.

Director Sheer smirked at how pathetic her newest slave was. But she got one detail to fix, “Your former name, Ranger.”

Behind her, the Black Ranger removed his helmet. In the darkness, his tattoo of servant number and Apex logo glowed fluorescent. On his hand, he held the same corporate tattoo branding pen that had given him his new status.

In the darkness, Director Sheer’s lips glowed too. “Once we’re done here, Apex will need you to look eastward. There’s a small problem in Philadelphia that needs the Rangers’ special attention. You will bring peace to the city and finally prepare it to be New Pyongyang.”



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