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The heroes think their Zeo powers can protect them from all invading evil, yet a new-yet-familiar threat from space is coming! Witness Tanya and Adam as the heroic Zeo Rangers II and IV plunge into the abyss of terror as they confront an evil born from the stars. Will they emerge victorious or be consumed by the robotic darkness lurking within?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:




Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Joshua O’Neill


Daniel K


It’s not my arm!

Under a foreboding night sky that shrouded the city, a brilliant streak broke through the blackness, casting light on the barren outskirts where the twisting ruins of a meteorite impact had scarred the land.

As they examined the barren terrain, Tanya, in her role as the Yellow Zeo Rangers, and Adam, in his role as the Green Zeo IV, stood at the edge of the newly formed, smoking crater, their helmets reflecting the pale moonlight. A definite aura of impending doom was mixed with the metallic feeling of uncertainty.

Tanya stepped forward with a grumble inside her heroic helmet. "I can't believe we're out here dealing with meteor incidents," the heroine complained in a voice carrying a touch of wry humor.

Adam nodded grimly, his gaze flickering over the jagged terrain. "I know what you mean, Tanya. But whatever caused that crash, it could seriously threaten the city. Honestly, I was looking forward to a quiet evening at the cafe," he remarked with a grin. "Not battling meteor-induced monsters."

Tanya's eyes sparkled with excitement, and her voice was filled with bravado. "Come on, Adam," she teased, a playful grin tugging at her lips. "Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, you know we can handle anything those evil robot monsters throw at us."

Adam considered their options. "Maybe we should report this to the others," he suggested, his voice tinged with concern. "There's no telling what we're up against here."

Tanya's voice was filled with sense of purpose. "We're more than capable of handling whatever comes our way," she insisted, her tone unwavering. "Besides, we don't need anyone else to clean up our messes."

Adam nodded thoughtfully with his expression inside his helmet. "You make a good point, Tanya," he conceded, a flicker of pride in his eyes. "Let's show these intergalactic troublemakers what we're made of."

Their resolve steeled, and the Rangers descended into the darkness, their footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls of the crater. Each step brought them closer to the mystery's heart and the waiting jaws of oblivion.

A sinister hiss echoed through the darkness, resembling the slither of a coiled serpent. Tanya's heart quickened, and she exchanged a wary glance with Adam, a shiver running down her spine.

"Did you hear that?" Adam's voice barely rose above a whisper, charged with urgency.

Tanya nodded, her senses on high alert as they scoured the shadows for potential danger. Before she could respond, the ground beneath them gave way with a loud crack, hurtling them into the abyss below.

The world twisted into a disorienting dance of shadows and pain as they descended into the gaping maw of the unknown. Adrenaline surged through Tanya's veins, her heart racing in anticipation of the inevitable impact.

With a bone-jarring crash, they landed in a tangled heap at the chasm's bottom. Tanya groaned, feeling the harsh ache in her body as she struggled to regain her bearings in the oppressive darkness.

"Adam, you alright?" She called out, her voice carrying a mix of concern and urgency as she reached out to check on her fallen comrade.

There was a momentary pause before Adam's response, his words laced with a combination of pain and willpower. "I'm still in one piece, I think," he grunted, the effort evident in his voice. "But we've got to move before whatever's lurking in the shadows finds us."

Tanya nodded, her mind racing as she surveyed their surroundings. Dim light filtered through the cracks above, revealing the jagged contours of the cavern walls, their ominous shapes casting unsettling shadows.

"We need to tread carefully," she stated, her voice unwavering despite the fear gnawing at her. "Our priority is finding a way back to the surface and alerting others about the lurking dangers in this abyss."

As Tanya and Adam prepared to explore further, a sudden onslaught of serpentine and evil robots erupted from the darkness, coiling around Adam and lashing out at Tanya with blinding lights.

Tanya grunted as she swung her arms, attempting to fend off the tenacious attackers. "We're under attack! Stay alert!" She shouted, her voice muffled slightly by her helmet, her urgency evident.

Adam lunged forward, his fists clenched as he engaged the encroaching robots. He cried out, his sense of purpose amplified by the echo of the cavern, "We can't let them overwhelm us!"

Adam struggled against the serpentine coils, his movements hampered by the overwhelming onslaught. "We need to push back! Don't let them gain ground!" he yelled, his voice unwavering despite the chaos around them.

As the Rangers battled valiantly to maintain their position, the chamber echoed with the clang of metal against metal. However, the earth shook menacingly, as if it were about to give way under their feet, even as they fought back against the rising water.

Their world was shattered when the chasm floor gave way, sending them tumbling into the vast, dark abyss below. Screams reverberated off the walls as the enveloping blackness engulfed them.

Their descent into the unknown depths sent Tanya's thoughts into a frenzy of terror and bewilderment. As the shadows closed in like a smothering hug, the descent seemed to go on forever.

Beside her, Adam's voice rang out in a cacophony of panic and disbelief. "Hold on tight! We need to brace for impact!" he shouted, his words barely audible over the roar of the wind.

The world blurred into a dizzying whirl of motion and sensation, the rush of wind tearing at their suits and helmets as they plummeted further into the abyss.


The air was thick with an uncanny calm as Tanya woke up to a world shrouded in shadows. As she gradually regained consciousness, the metallic aftertaste of terror remained in her mouth. Adam lay close by, twisted in agony from the serpentine parasites that encircled him like vipers, as her vision cleared in the faint light.

"Adam!" Tanya's voice echoed through the cavernous depths, a desperate plea lost in the oppressive darkness. Her heart pounded in her chest as she crawled toward him, each movement weighed down by an unseen force.

Adam's writhing form ripped through the stillness as his cries of agony resounded. The parasites, whose metallic tendrils glowed wickedly, penetrated his Zeo crystal coin. His formerly heroic spandex clung to his body like a hideous second skin as Tanya watched in terror as his limbs deflated.

"Help... me..." Adam's voice was a strained whisper, drowned out by the cacophony of pain. Tanya's hands trembled as she reached out to him, fingers brushing against the cold metal of the parasites.

"I can't... I can't stop it!" Adam's admission cut through the darkness, the helplessness in his eyes mirroring Tanya's rising dread.

Tanya experienced excruciating agony in her own limbs as she attempted to rescue Adam from the approaching darkness. Her body went into convulsions as the parasites focused on her. The metallic tendrils pierced her Zeo crystal coin, and her scream echoed over the abyss.

The metamorphosis was a terrifying movement of hopelessness. Tanya's limbs deflated, leaving behind nothing but drooping spandex that reached her shoulders. Worst of all, the once-bold Zeo Rangers symbol clung to her torso, belying the great legacy she once embraced.

"Adam, what's happening?" Tanya's voice wavered with fear as the parasitic invasion overwhelmed them both. The darkness threatened to consume every inch of their being, leaving nothing but twisted remnants of the heroes they once were.

"I don't know, Tanya. It hurts. It's taking everything!" Adam gasped, his body writhing in silent torment. The spandex that once symbolized strength and unity now only wrapped their limbless torsos as a tattered reminder of the inevitable descent into the abyss.

Standing side by side, the parasite robots finished absorption while Tanya and Adam became hideous caricatures of themselves. Reflecting the shadows that had grown inside them, the once-bright hues of their heroic armor now appeared faded and tainted.

Adam's miseryed cries blended with Tanya's piercing scream as they reverberated across the abyss. A brutal monument to the sinister forces engineering their doom, the metallic parasites gleamed menacingly in the faint light, now securely attached to their Zeo buckles.

The chasm seemed to pulse with fiendish energy as the parasitic influence tightened its grip. Tanya and Adam, now enslaved by the darkness, stood as silent witnesses to the transformation of heroes into hollow shells of their former selves.

"Welcome to your new reality," a cold, inhuman voice whispered through the darkness, the final words echoing like a death knell. The Machine Empire's rebirth claimed its first victims, and the Zeo Rangers were no more. Only the twisted remnants of their heroic legacy remained, a grim testament to the insidious power that lurked within the shadows.

Emerging from the depths of the abyss, Tanya and Adam found themselves distorted and corrupted by the parasitic robotic appendages that clung to them like evil tendrils. The valiant Zeo Rangers, their thoughts spinning from the horrific change that had happened to them, stood at the city's edge.

Hidden beneath their helmets, their eyes revealed the suffering and sorrow that tore at their very beings. The metallic spiky limbs, which were extensions of their deformed bodies, shimmered menacingly in the low light.

With every motion, Tanya's new iron limbs served as a stark reminder of the evil flowing through her blood, and her thoughts raced with incredulity. Adam stood at her side, staring at the twisted limbs that defied every sense of reason.

"This... this can't be happening," Tanya murmured, her voice trembling with fear and disbelief.

Adam's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to comprehend the nightmarish reality. "We've been... assimilated," he whispered, the weight of the truth bearing down upon him like a crushing weight.

Before fully comprehending the magnitude of their metamorphosis, however, a deluge of nasty thoughts swarmed their thoughts, threatening to engulf them entirely. Now that it was loose, the parasitic influence demanded compliance like a madman on a rampage.

"The Collective counts you as one of its members. Obey. Serve. Assimilate," the synthetic voices sang out harmoniously, overflowing with hatred and disdain.

In a last-ditch effort to ward off the crushing blackness that was about to consume them, Tanya and Adam let out cries of agony as they gripped their helmets. Their noble determination was mercilessly ripped to shreds as the voices gnawed at their thoughts.

Under cover of nightfall, amid the fallen woodland, Tanya, playing the role of Zeo Ranger II, and Adam, playing the role of Zeo Ranger IV, became caught in a web of ominous murmurs. The parasite prostheses that were fastened to their bodies radiated evil energy, intensifying the mental anguish caused by the artificial voices that repeatedly berated them.

"Assimilate," the voices screamed, echoing through the dense foliage like a haunting melody of despair. "Join us. Embrace the Collective."

As Zeo Ranger II, Tanya winced with her thoughts consumed by doubt and uncertainty. Flashes of past battles flickered before her eyes, each victory tainted by the specter of failure. "Am I truly worthy?" she murmured, her voice barely audible over the din of screams. "Can I still uphold the legacy of justice?"

Beside her, Adam, as Zeo Ranger IV, struggled against the weight of his own insecurities. Memories of past defeats clawed at his consciousness, threatening to engulf him in a torrent of self-doubt. "I'm not strong enough," he whispered, his voice trembling with suffering. "I've failed too many times. How can I ever redeem myself?"

The voices, unbroken in their assault, whispered promises of power and liberation. "Surrender to us," they urged, their words dripping with seduction. "Cast aside your humanity. Embrace the purity of the Collective."

As time passed, the shadows got closer and closer, and their willpower weakened under the influence of temptation. After being a haven of calm and serenity, the woodland suddenly looked teeming with evil energy, its gnarled branches threatening to trap the Rangers.

Desperate to break free from the suffocating grip of doubt, Tanya clenched her fists, her determination flickering like a dying flame. "No," she whispered, her voice tinged with defiance. "I refuse to give in. I will fight, no matter the cost."

Adam, his eyes ablaze with willpower, nodded in silent agreement. "We may be flawed," he conceded, his voice tinged with resignation, "but we are still Rangers. And as long as we draw breath, we will never abandon our duty."

"Assimilate... More... Rangers..." the robotic voices demanded, their tone chillingly robotic and devoid of empathy.

"We... we have to fight," Tanya gasped between tortured breaths, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos within.

Adam nodded grimly, his jaw set in a grimace of a sense of purpose. "We can't... let the darkness win," he declared, a defiant whisper against the unbroken onslaught.

But the darkness, once unleashed, proved tenacious in its pursuit of domination. The parasitic influence, an evil force beyond comprehension, tightened its grip on their minds, its insidious whispers promising power and control.

The darkness of the chasm enveloped Tanya and Adam, their bodies convulsing with agony as the parasitic robotic limbs tightened their grip, transforming them into vessels of spite. Their helmets seemed to pulse with sinister energy, throbbing with invading, violating demands that echoed in their minds like a tenacious scream.

Tanya gritted her teeth against the onslaught, her head pounding with the weight of the Collective's demands. "We won't... succumb," she gasped, her voice strained with defiance as she struggled against the parasitic influence.

Adam's hands trembled as he clutched his helmet, eyes wide with despair. "We're... Rangers," he whispered, his words a desperate plea for salvation in the face of overwhelming darkness.

But the Collective's grip tightened, its demands echoing through their minds with ruthless intensity. Their heads throbbed with agony, each pulse a reminder of their powerlessness against the forces that sought to consume them.

The parasitic robotic limbs writhed and twisted, invading their Zeo power with insidious efficiency. Tanya and Adam stood as statues of defiance, their bodies wobbly and unsteady, their movements controlled by the darkness that now coursed through their veins.

"We are the Collective. This is your inevitable end," the robotic voices intoned, their tone devoid of empathy as they continued their unbroken assault on Tanya and Adam's shattered minds.

Tanya's vision blurred with tears as she fought to maintain her grasp on reality. "We won't... serve," she choked out, her voice a whisper against the suffocating darkness that threatened to consume her.

Adam's breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled against the parasitic influence. "We... won't..." he faltered, his voice trailing off into a helpless plea for mercy that went unanswered.

The parasitic limbs continued their insistent invasion, their metallic tendrils weaving a web of darkness around Tanya and Adam's fractured souls. Their helmets seemed to warp and twist, a grotesque reflection of the horror that now consumed them from within.

Desperation fueled their voices as Tanya clenched her fists, her willpower flickering like a dying flame. "I feel lost," she admitted, her voice filled with frustration and despair. "Can I ever find my way back to the hero I once was?"

Adam, his eyes ablaze with willpower, felt the tendrils of doubt creeping in. "I'm drowning in my shortcomings," he confessed, his voice laden with self-condemnation. "Every mistake I've made echoes louder than any success."

The haunting whispers persisted, amplifying their internal struggles. "Weakness is your true nature. Embrace it. Embrace the Collective."

As the pain intensified, Tanya and Adam's screams echoed through the chasm, a haunting lamentation for the heroes they once were. Their bodies contorted with agony, their minds besieged by the consistent assault of the Collective's demands.

"We are your masters. You will obey," the robotic voices declared, their words a chilling reminder of the fate that awaited them should they continue to resist.

However, in the middle of the shadows, an ember of rebellion persisted. Undeterred by the crushing hopelessness they were experiencing, Tanya and Adam held on to what little strength they had left, drawing strength from their broken sense of purpose.

As the parasitic invasion came to an end, Tanya and Adam's bodies fell to their knees, and a looming blackness engulfed their thoughts. Their bodies were symbols of resistance, and their spirits were a light in a world where darkness reigned.

Tanya and Adam were startled as the robotic prosthetic arms clenched their hold, their fingertips turning into sinister needles that pierced their helmets with unsettling accuracy. The needles sank like knives into their tortured brains, injecting filthy nanites set to erase memories and rewrite their entire being.

They felt a searing pain as the nanites mercilessly twisted and distorted their memories, infiltrating every part of their psyche. The symphony of agony resounded against the icy stone walls as their cries of agony resounded through the abyss.

Tanya's mind convulsed with each injection, her thoughts scattered like shattered glass in a hurricane of agony. Images of heroism and bravery fragmented into a kaleidoscope of chaos, replaced by whispers of darkness that promised only despair. Her gasps mingled with defiant whispers. "I won't... let you erase who I am. Zeo Ranger II... Yellow forever," she declared, each word a testament to the indomitable spirit that refused to be extinguished.

Adam's vision blurred with each surge of pain, his memories fading like echoes in the abyss. Faces of friends and loved ones slipped through his grasp, swallowed by the void of oblivion that threatened to consume him whole. His voice resonated with unwavering willpower. "We stand together, no matter what you do. Zeo Ranger IV... Green and I won't surrender to your darkness," he proclaimed, his words a beacon of resistance in the face of unspeakable horror.

The robotic voices, now amplified by the cacophony of agony, screamed in triumph as the nanites took hold, their words a twisted chorus of domination and despair. "Submit... to the darkness," they hissed, their voices laced with malice and contempt.

Tanya's hands clawed at her helmet, her fingers trembling with futile defiance as she fought to resist the invasive onslaught. "No... I won't... forget," she gasped, her voice a whispered plea for salvation amidst the chaos within.

Adam's breath came in ragged gasps as the nanites burrowed deeper, their insidious whispers promising oblivion. "Hold... on... to... who... you... are," he choked out, his words a desperate plea for remembrance in the face of overwhelming darkness.

The robotic voices responded with cruel laughter. "Your wretched insubordination only deepens the pleasure of your agony. Submit to the Collective. Embrace your destiny."

Tanya's eyes reflected a hollow emptiness as the nanites stripped away the layers of her identity. "I... remember... fighting... for good," she stammered, her voice a feeble echo of the hero she once was.

His memories slipping away, Adam clung to the remnants of his defiant spirit. "We stood together... against evil. You can't erase... the bond we forged," he muttered, his words a flicker of resistance in the encroaching darkness.

The chasm seemed to pulsate with malice as the parasitic invasion reached its climax. Tanya and Adam, now reduced to mere shells of their former selves, stood motionless. Having completed their mission, the robotic arms retracted, leaving the Rangers suspended between two worlds – the realm of the living and the abyss of their altered existence.

Tanya’s thoughts were haunted by visions of a future consumed by the shadows. "We've been fooling ourselves," she lamented with words heavy with resignation. "Our weaknesses have always been our downfall."

The once-proud Zeo Rangers now stood as mere shadows of their former selves, their resolve shattered, their spirits broken. Tears welled in Tanya's eyes, falling silently onto the interior of her helmet as a silent testament to her inner turmoil.

Adam's voice faltered as he spoke, his tears mingling with Tanya's. "We were never meant to be heroes," he confessed his voice barely a whisper in the oppressive silence. "Our fate was sealed the moment we donned these suits."

The robotic voices, now satisfied, gloated in unison. "You are now one with the Collective. Your futile struggles amuse us. Embrace your new purpose."

In the final throes of temptation, Tanya whispered, "Maybe I should embrace the Collective. Find solace in its promises."

Adam's voice, filled with resignation, echoed her sentiment, "Perhaps we're not meant to resist. Maybe this is our destiny."

The voices, triumphant in their conquest, resonated through the forest. "Welcome to the Collective. Embrace the purity of our unity."

The nanites, unbroken in their pursuit of domination, continued their merciless assault, erasing memories ruthlessly. Tanya and Adam's minds writhed in agony, their very identities slipping away like grains of sand in the grasp of a tenacious tide.

Their screams echoed through the darkness, a haunting lamentation for the selves they once were. The collapsed forest trembled with the weight of their suffering, a silent witness to the horrors that lurked within the shadows.

In the eerie stillness that followed, the Collective's voices whispered through the void within Tanya and Adam's minds. "Assimilate more Rangers. Expand the Collective. The Power Rangers will be no more."

The forest resonated with their anguished screams as the final jolt of evil surged through Tanya and Adam's minds. Like voracious predators, the nanites devoured the last vestiges of resistance, leaving only a hollow emptiness in their wake. The once-heroic Zeo Rangers, now reduced to mere vessels of spite, stood with vacant eyes, their spirits extinguished.

Tanya's voice tore through the air, a primal cry of panic and desperation. "Forgive us!" she shrieked, her voice carrying the weight of their inevitable downfall. "We were not strong enough to resist!"

Adam's scream joined hers, a guttural roar of fear and despair reverberating through the night. "This is our fate!" he bellowed, his voice trembling with the enormity of their failure. "We have betrayed everything we stood for!"

Their cries echoed off the twisted trees, carrying their misery to the darkest corners of the forest. At that moment, the magnitude of their transformation became painfully clear, a stark reminder of the consequences of their choices.

The robotic voices, now dripping with triumph, reverberated through the chasm. "You are now fully assimilated. Welcome to the Collective. Your existence is now devoted to our cause," they declared, the words laced with a chilling enthusiasm that echoed the twisted pleasure of their victory.

Once filled with willpower, Tanya's gaze now bore the mark of the abyss. "I... serve... the Collective," she uttered mechanically, her voice void of the spirited defiance that once defined her.

Adam, his eyes vacant, echoed the sentiment. "Collective... commands... I obey," he intoned, his words an eerie reflection of the darkness that now gripped his soul.

The parasitic robotic limbs, now pulsating with an unholy energy, seemed to shiver with satisfaction. The mighty Zeo Ranger suits clung to their defiled forms like tattered remnants of a bygone era.

The once-pure colors now seemed corrupted, a monument to the irreversible transformation that had taken place. Tanya and Adam stood side by side, their posture rigid and lifeless, an embodiment of the twisted victory the Collective had achieved.

The robotic voices continued their haunting proclamation. "Your purpose is clear. Assimilate more Rangers. Expand the Collective. The Power Rangers will be eradicated, and a new era will dawn."

A perverse excitement flickered in their vacant eyes as the directive resonated within Tanya and Adam's consciousness. "Assimilate... more Rangers," Tanya repeated, her voice a monotone echo of servitude.

Adam, his movements mechanical, joined in. "Expand... the Collective. Power Rangers... will fall," he intoned, the once-familiar words now twisted into a mantra of malevolence.

The parasitic limbs flexed with an unnatural rhythm, the excitement palpable in their grotesque movements. Tanya and Adam, now enthralled by the dark purpose that consumed them, turned their attention to the city above.

A wicked grin twisted across Tanya's face inside her heroic helmet, her voice betraying a perverse joy. "The city... will crumble. Power Rangers... will kneel," she declared, the words a proclamation of impending doom.

Adam's eyes gleaming with an unholy fervor added, "No one... can defy... the Collective. Darkness... will reign."

With the darkness enveloping them, Tanya and Adam, now minions of the Collective, stood tall in the collapsed forest, their twisted forms illuminated by an eerie glow. Despite their corrupted souls, remnants of their former heroism lingered within them, manifesting in a macabre parody of their once-proud identities.

And as the twisted Zeo Rangers ascended from the chasm, their once-heroic roll call, now a perverse declaration of allegiance echoed against the stone walls.

Once filled with warmth and camaraderie, Tanya's voice now dripped with venom. "Zeo Ranger II... Yellow, servant to the Collective."

Adam's tone, devoid of the pride that once defined him, intoned, "Zeo Ranger IV... Green, enforcer of the Collective's will."

With a practiced motion, they struck their fighting poses, a twisted mockery of the heroic stances they once held. Their bodies moved with unnatural precision, each movement displaying the control exerted upon them by their new masters.



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