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Please read the following simple rules before commenting.

-  Comment below what character/s you'd like to see next month. Everyone here is welcome to participate. Do not forget to mention what game the character is, for example: "Cal Kestis - Jedi Fallen Order"

- Include as many characters as you want in your comment, 1 character = 1 vote for that character. Just one comment per person please, be sure to include all the characters you like in your comment.

- The characters that are repeated the most in the comments will be the winners.

- For new character suggestions: they must be videogames characters, as you know I need to have a 3D reference from a game model.

- This poll will be closed on 01/31/2023.

*Don't forget there are new characters recently added; Vittorio Toscano, The Gotham Knights, The Quarry Boys, Darth Maul, God of War or CODMWII characters... πŸ˜‹




Dylan-The Quarry Ryan-The Quarry Sean Diaz-LIS2 Finn-LIS2


Commander Shepherd - Mass Effect Garrus Vakarian - Mass Effect