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Character - Number of votes

Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry) 10

Jacob Custos (The Quarry) 8

Sean Diaz (LIS2) 8

Cal Kestis (SW: Jedi Fallen Order) 9

Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil) 5

Nick Furcillo (The Quarry) 5

Steve Harrington (DbD) 5

Felix Richter (DbD) 4

Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) 4

Starkiller (SW: The Force Unleashed II) 4

Anakin Skywalker (SW: Battlefront II) 5

Dante (DMC Remake) 3

David King (DbD )3

Esteban Diaz (LIS2) 3

Link (Legend Of Zelda) 3

Miles Morales (Spider-Man Miles Morales Ps5) 3

Nate Drake (Uncharted 4) 3

Ryan Erzahler (The Quarry) 3

The Trickster (DbD) 3

Warren (Life Is Strange) 3

* I have not included in the list the characters with less than 3 votes and that doesn't mean I'm never going to do them again. Don't panic! 🥰

Thank you all for participating! 💗



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