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To me, this kind of job where you have to dress like a ridiculous mascot and having to either handle flyers or flip cardboards is just humilliating as all heel, i don't even know if this works in a marketing stand of point XD.

OH well they couldn't find  a cow big enough so they stook with the crow :U




With advertising like that, how can I say no? Milk please!


Fantastic, its s great pic, the idea and her expression is priceless, thanks for showing other face of BB, she will not be in that job for long, what a waste


Even super heroes have to make ends meet somehow S: !! This is adorbs <3

Xarnak Ansar

Nice. Her expression says it all. X3 At least her outfit shows off her figure quite nicely. :3

Eric Adler

It's all about grabbing attention. I do the same thing (but not as sexy) to drum up business for the Niles Historical Society's ice cream social. (I only do it because one on the members is of the Historical Society is a furry, and a friend. The Mayor of Niles is amazed at all the mascots the Historical Society gets every year, and he was looking to hire us to drum uup attention for his campaign. I don't help politicians unless I agree with their entire platform, and even then, I'm not doing it for free.)


It's great to see that this kind of advertising has a good purpose and it does pay after all :)


I can understand her feeling since she got fired from the laundry place, she needs all the work she can get :D Still amazing work done here :D hope she get up to her feet soon ;D and great to hear of you again :DDD