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I think i decided to make this character a superhero for BustyBird.

I need a name for her too >->

Her powers is to control carpets :3...a carpet bender!

i want to make her lieka very wise and also kind of stoic personality and has kind of an awkward sense of humor too x3.

Also she doesnt care about wearing skimpy outfits or even showing he rbig boobs ;3




Carpets? Nah, maybe it’s the white streak in the hair and the expression but she looks more like the type who’s powers and experience has caused her to become distance and isolated and yet she shows off her body to show her contempt for people hence her love able awkwardness, like how bustybird is one of those who can push her buttons the right way to bring another side out. As for a name, hmm maybe something with a J or Z, or W?


Carpet seems a bit stereotypical. You could probably get away with controlling cloth in general, but uses carpet for it's extra heft. Also, controlling BB's clothes would be fun to watch. Nip slips abound. For a name there's "Khadi". It's a hand-spun textile native to India.


Carpet sounds good, is a sexy character and may bring lot to the table, you may want to check some hindi names, look one that fit your view for her

Drakin Kovar

How about Angora? Sounds exotic and the rugs are made from animal hair (typically sheep, but still...)


Jhanvi or Meera


Is going to be like that villain in The Tick?