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I wanna keep you guys in the loop more often this next year, so I'm starting now
For those that didn't know, I'm in the process of moving and I arrived at my new place this afternoon and I have nothing but a couch 😔
The great news is though, being in a new city has done exactly what I hoped, which is reignite the flame in my soul for creating things and I'm PUMPED

Once I get my computer back around the 21st, hoooo boy things are gonna be GREAT around here... 2024 is the year of the M8




My main goals for next year are more animations and doujins. Those will be the focus for content going forward atm, I got the poster phase out of the way, now I want more substance in my content




That would be wonderful! I loved that Ilulu one you did and would always say yes to more :)

Andrew Jones

Yeah, nothing like the PNW to get one going!

Stefan Kather

New home, nothing but a couch, damn that sounds familiar to me but i was dumb enough to move during September. But Congrats on the new place.