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Turned out alright I think. Still don't have any hair bones for her yet though, so I still can't animate normal stuff with her. That should be changing at some point in the near future though.

Hope you all are doin' well!

Catbox / Drive 




Didn't expect to hear the phrase " Hair Bone's" today but here we are. Amazing as always!


Lol hair bones really are something else. I've rigged hair bones before but never bother animating them. 😂 I feel like that's the equivalent of trying to draw hands/feet for the first time.


My favorite boy! Yes!!


Oh shit, that turned me on 😂😂😂💕 amazing job!


Our boy Miruko is showing Nejjire the sexy thicc airhead the POWER with his tongue. This is amazing and beautifully sexy masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*

master ZQ

This was honestly very delicious masterpiece honestly this is weird but I was going to actually suggest you do something with mirio lol honesty this was really really scrumptious please do more!!!

Winter Mint

this is amazing, very nice. love how it's mirio lol


This is brilliant! Come through Mirio!! I'm down to see anything Mirio Related


Sucks to be Amajiki lol

Lupins Sing

A true talent 💙💛 best boy

Neohin P

Lucky girl!!! 😍😍😍😍