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Just a 32 second short, mainly just wanted to test out a bunch of new technical things in SFM, seems to have gone well enough for my liking

I really do apologize for not being super active this month, I feel very, very horrid about it. I'm not going to use everything going on in the world as an excuse, because I don't think that's at all what my problem is, I've just been in a very odd mood for a few weeks. Slowly coming out of it though, so don't worry 

Also finally got to try takoyaki. Very good. Almost puked. Would have again.





That Todoroki with her?


Definitely hoping for a complete recovery of your mental slump. 💪🏾

ZFG Saint

Never thought I'd hear "Very good." And "Almost puked." referring to the same topic!


The quality of your work is well worth the wait, I hope you recover better than ever!


"I really do apologize for not being super active this month" You have post 10 times this month! I don't know any other artist that post that frequently and with this good of quality. Go easy on yourself !

Silent One

Todoroki gave her a nice "icing" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Not being super active" What are you talking about?? Out of all the Patrons i'm supporting, you're the one i see the most on my feed. Don't beat yourself up, you are doing an absolutely spectacular job!


sometimes ya need a break to unwind. no worries


A beautiful moment with a lovely couple as Shoto gives Momo her favorite snack. Gloriously gorgeous masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. Bravo and thank you. *yetihug*


A missed opportunity for comedy here... when he cums focus on his face then give him a look of surprise, cut to momo's head which is now an ice cube....just thought that would be funny....


Not saying you had to make it funny, if you don't want funny don't make it funny. I was just saying how it COULD have been funny. Sorry if I offended.


I cant see the post cuz they no longer exist.