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I'm so sleepy. I have been neglecting futa peeps, and that's quite impolite of me so please do enjoy this crumb for now



This make me happy, thank you ❤

Caustic Hornet

Thanks for not forgetting about us.

Emil Yi

Honestly, I have to say this. I've subscribed to many people over the past 2 years in and off. But I have never seen anyone who posts so much content consistently. Kudos to you sir and keep up the hard work. Thank you


This crumb is greatly appreciated.

Cordell Richmond

As an Amazon worker, rest yourself whenever you get a chance.


Thank you for the art, please do more futa


Great work. Momo looks like the biggest futa out of the U.A. girls, is that right?


Fucking hell I love your futa masterpiece of pure flawless perfection so fucking much. Momo looks so damn hot and gorgeous standing there with her dick through the fence. I hope she is about to be teased and made to cum. Thank you so much for this beautiful sexy masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*