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So I'm working myself ragged again because I'm worried I won't be able to finish all the girls Halloween animations before the end of the month, but I swear by you I'm going to do my best. Got that Plus Ultra mindset goin' for me.

Also It'll please those of you worried to know that I am taking a few short breaks in-between working to get a drink or eat a meal etc etc. No headache today, even though I worked literally from 10AM when I woke up to 12PM now. I'm going to do my best to keep this up and get all the animations finished on time. And also take care of myself.

I wish humans didn't have to take breaks, I'd be even more unstoppable 

Jiro's earphone jacks are really fun to animate actually. Suspiciously fun...



Trent Cannon

You’re doing great, but if you need some time to rest, do so. Won’t do anyone any good if you get sick from stress or overworking


This looks awesome but please don’t over work yourself. Take a break every now and again


please take care of yourself, that’s the most important thing

Devon Jose

Ooh maybe a Jiro “tentacle” animation with one of the other girls in the future?

織田 方

look forward to

Jean-François Bédard

even if I receive One at November.. it will still taste like Halloween T.T