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I've always been somewhat unhappy with the body I was using for the Tsuyu headhacks... Not that there was anything majorly wrong with em', but I just felt that something was woefully lacking.

Does this count as a pinup?

Tried using the Marie model from Wo2(?) and it is infinitely better. Also I really like all the clothes I've done for her on this one. I know It's still not perfect, but I think It's a big improvement over the one I've been using for so long.

Also all her toes can be animated individually with this one, sooo... Hmm.
The stupid hero suit is killing me though it doesn't want to cooperate.

Also this one snuck its way in




> Also all her toes can be animated individually with this one, sooo... Good... good...


emmmm,wheres her dick?


oh thats great! thx I love that XD


Any comparison shots of before and now? Just tricky to see the improvements of the new body

織田 方
