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bonus extra two episodes in this one!

Ep 1: 2:01

Ep 2: 29:36

Ep 3: 55:21

Ep 4: 1:22:31



ZGMF-X23S Saviour

I'd say that while Nocturne can be viewed without seeing the first series, it was almost definitely intended to be seen after the previous seasons. Castlevania was always about multiple generations of Belmonts--calling this a "spin off" kinda makes it seem less important than it actually is--so you're probably expected to know about the lore by this point in time. Nocturne also didn't explain the important background of the Belmont clan in as much detail as the first season, so it shows that you're probably already expected to be aware of things in this new series. It was less important in the game series to have played previous games because they were very light on the story elements. But it's definitely a different case for a full show like this.


This has to be a spin off ain't no way Syphas decendent is the loser knows as Richter bruh.