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Hey y'all!!

We wanted to give a little update for our One Piece reactions.  We just moved into our new place yesterday and we were planning to try to get all of the episodes filmed before we moved out but we just ran out of time.  We are currently working on a temporary filming set up and we are going to hopefully watch the final three episodes and post the full lengths tomorrow!

In the meantime today we are going to be posting our full-length reactions to Fate/Zero, Bleach, and Jujutsu Kaisen which were pre-filmed.

ALSO,  We have just gotten access to an awesome new Patreon feature called "Collections". This will FINALLY allow us to organize our posts on here so much easier into "playlists".  I am currently working on adding all of our shows into a collection but you can also find our other show reactions easier on the collections tab via "tags" which are presented in a much nicer format.

I did notice that the collections are currently organized by earliest post to latest so if you wanted to find the most recent post you have to sort by date and go to the most recent month/date.  They will probably add a feature that does that soon, since they tend to update new features as they go but since it is so new that is an easier workaround for now instead of having to scroll all the way down.

So make sure to check out the "collections" tab to check out our other show reactions available.  We have a TON including fully completed shows/anime so you can watch entire series with us.

(I have included a picture of where to find the collections tab, it's right next to the home tab)

Thanks y'all! 




Markus X.

The "Collection" tab is really great actually. Never noticed it before :D It is always stressful to move in a new home, so take your time to relax a bit. When your mind is at ease you can enjoy making the reactions more ;) It is really cool to hear your thoughts on the One Piece Live Action series(Especially because you didn't see the anime before). If its possible for you it would be great after the Live Action to see you react to the One Piece Anime but only to the point where the LA is ending with season 1(E1 - E45). And do the same when season 2 of the LA is released. That way you can take this behemoth piece by piece and have a rare perspective and comparison. If you decide to do that consider to tackle 2 episodes of the anime every time, so you got between 30 and 40 minutes of progress depending on episodes ;) Watching Japanese voice with subtitles would be the best i think. Also you are one of the fastest out there with the OP LA reactions which is much appreciated <3


Thats awesome of Patreon to do that and good luck moving in so happy for you guys ^^


is AOT Season 4 edited reactions uploaded anywhere?