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Funny you called the dog sus. This is the movie Among Us was based on.


Its really great movie that spend pretty strong to this day, of course some models and technics especially aliens and monsters are outdated but rest really stand strong.


Poor Clark just loved his puppies

Thomas Yanez

I like how quickly and certainly you latched on to the idea of the dog being a bad guy. That's pretty rare with reactors. They might start to suspect, but you never see reactors going full in on the dog being bad so quickly.

Thomas Yanez

"Escape from New York", "Escape from L.A." and "Big Trouble in Little China" are not only Kurt Russell movies, but they are directed by John Carpenter. Along with "The Thing" these two guys made some great movies (no comment on "Escape from L.A.") together. Also, If you ever get your hands on DVD copies, they also made some FANTASTIC commentary tracks for the movies. Technically there is also a made-for-TV movie about Elvis that they made together, but I've never seen it, so can't comment.

El Capitano

Maybe watch next prequel for The Thing , The Thing 2011