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I was shocked! Shocked I tell you, when Apple said they were willing to send us things.


BTS: Apple Actually Sent us Hardware

I was shocked! Shocked I tell you, when Apple said they were willing to send us things.



I like this more candid way of recording! A lot more relaxed and less work for yourself. Keep it coming!


I’m glad you’re covering Macs as well. I think their hardware quality really can’t be beat. I have a Macbook and a Windows gaming desktop. On my Mac I still have a great gaming experience with a few games, Dota 2, Combat Mission Black Sea, Civilization VI, and the Total War series. While I’ll always use my gaming Windows machine for games that take advantage of it, it’s nice to have a great, portable device that can game while traveling. It’s quiet, light, and just puts Windows gaming laptops to shame from a quality of life (weight-to-performance, trackpad, screen, battery life) standpoint.