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First of all, thank u all for the patience x.x im go ahead and link a bunch of pics now. Last post i made i ended up posting only to 5$ tier and completely forgot to upload the Lower tier version. So the link ima post is gonna be decently big, it should have Roughs for Game over aswell as CGs i been working on over the past few months. Same with some OOOOLD posts that i wasnt sure everybody got, so i went ahead and readded them.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1riijpect2uwv7/Patreon%20t1%20june%20plus%202023.zip?dl=0

i wanna say thank u again guys, i dont really deserve all this support u guys continue to give me. I will say this tho. I been taking alot less commissions to the point that im down to the last 3.  So ill be able to focus more on Patreon and also Gameover, aswell as the 3D stuff i been working on. SO ill prolly start posting 3D stuff again. 


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