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Howdy just a quick message to let ya'll know the VN has been sent out to all the September pledgers (Sept 30th) And the image pack that will be sent out this month will be slightly delayed, due to this project taking longer than expected :3 Hope you guys enjoy and feel free to leave feedback /comments SPOILER Free please :) 

EDIT: Make sure you unzip the files before playing it in case of errors and stuff x3

For me when i run it it gets blocked by Windows Smart Screen , i simply click more info and "run anyways" x3



Nice VN so far I've done a few puzzles already and I found out about the twins puzzle most recently, not to point out anything, but I would like to mention a episode of a series called QI(Quite Interesting) season 12 Episode 13 where its mentioned that the "actual" day that's added in for leap year is the 24th not 29th


it doesn't matter ether way just pointing it out


This years VN is absoulutely amazing!! Had me on the "edge" so to speak for hours and I still haven't unlocked all the images yet!


Are there places in the game that give you more clues to the answers to the puzzles? I'm either stupid or just not into these puzzles, but they seem a little difficult.


under this post you can check out the spoiler post hehe people are posting help there x3


An absolutely amazing game, despite being fairly simply mechanically there's a lot of depth to it, and of course the art is looooovely~


This was great! Fun scenario and great art! Loved it!


10 out 10 the Vn and art look amazing great job both of you