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 i was hoping to make this post on xmas eve. but i dunno what hit me, i been in bed for like 4 days now. Im finally able to come back to my computer, fever is gone and can somewhat move again now. So here is my plan

COmmissions are fully caught up , the only thing im behind on is posting work here on patreon for a couple of months now. So what i plan to do is this, IM gonna restructure patreon merge tiers and leave it at possible 2 or 3 tiers. I will then take record of the people that have been subed to me for those months and continue to give out those rewards as catch up packs. This way i dont keep taking money from you guys. 

I will dedicate the rest of this month and prolly the first half of the new month into just patreon work. So the next 2 to 3 packs are gonna be all random and full of work :).

Sorry guys again for making you guys wait.  



dude relax and make sure you're up for it don't push yourself too hard