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Dont think ill be able to finish the 10 pages by tonight...

The flu just ate up way too much of my time... then it sucks that this month doesnt have as many days xD.

Ill just keep working on them release them as soon as they are done.

Color images are still gonna get rolled out as i finish them .

Sorry again guys ._." sucks these past months have been so bad on my end hopefully i catch a break to catch up soon. x3



I wish I could sign up for a "just take my money and do your thing" tier. I mean, doesn't patreon supposed to give you some breathing room and not pile pressure on you? I don't care about schedule. just want you to be able to live off your art, while enjoying whatever you produce in the meantime.


Thankis x3. Technically im supposed to be able to keep up. x3 is just that i fell behind and the months kinda piled up. x3 .