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It pains me to say this, but our project isn't going to be finished by the end of the month like we wanted.  What we are going to do is launch a demo for it, so everyone can see what it is we've been working on (and why it's taking some extra time), and we hope to have the full thing released in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again for all the support and patience , hopefully u guys enjoy what we are working on :)



Take your time. It sounds like there's going to be a lot in this game. Really looking forward to it.


That's fine. I'd rather have a delayed game that's finished than a rushed game that's not.


Like the others have said, do whatever makes you happy with the work you do. Delays are nothing to worry about, imo.


No worries here! Can't wait to try each version and I hope everything wraps up quickly for your guys sake.

Paxton Roth

Bitch, We're still gonna buy it


It's alright it was a big project to begin with. But still having enough done for a demo is good enough


Well can't wait to play the demo also take your time getting it finished.