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'Faber est suae quisque fortunae'

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Game in progress is available for $10+ pledgers and higher

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System requirements for computers (minimum):

Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (64-bit)

or macOS version from 10.14+ and newer

or modern Linux-based OS which can launch .x86_64 files

CPU - Intel / AMD with 64-bit architecture & SSE4 instructions support

GPU - Nvidia / AMD / Intel with 2 GB VRAM & DirectX 12 (OpenGL 4) support

RAM - 4 GB or higher

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System requirements for smartphones/tablets (minimum):

Android version from 5.1+ and newer

CPU - multi-core required, faster is better (slow CPUs may cause an unexpected issues during gameplay). Strongly recommended Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 or newer (Samsung Exynos 1080 or newer). In other words, any high-end device made in 2019 and everything comparable (or better) which was produced after

GPU - OpenGL ES 3 or Vulkan graphics API support

RAM - 6 GB or higher



Christoph Brauer

I've tried the "self service" at artemis's place (using the vase on the 2nd visit...) and it was fun. Her line she said before leaving was nice


I'm glad to hear this, Dear :) On my way with the development of the next update :)


Could i get a link to new version? Thanks!

talk show ghost

Just so you know, the reason the game doesn't work on macOS with the standard unzip utility is because the actual game executable has lost it's filesystem flags and is no longer marked as executable. You can fix this pretty easily with the terminal by using the command "chmod ugo+x Game.app/Contents/MacOS/Game" in the same directory as the Game.app is. Also in the terminal you can remove the quarantine flag from the Game so you don't need to go into System Prefs to let you open it with the command "xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Game.app" as well. Maybe include these commands in the instructions .txt file for those of us that don't want to download another app just to unzip a file? Alternatively if you make the .zip file using macOS built-in compression utility the executable flag doesn't get erased in the first place.


Awesome! Dear, This is very useful information, thank you so much! I will write a private message to you :)


May I get a link to the game please I just pledged


I am glad to see you, Dear :) Of course, please check your private messages now :3