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Such females are rare beauties. Unfortunately, there are only few tribes left ...

So maybe this dama gazelle is asking you for a help to expand her tribe a little? ;)

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So gorgeous! <3 <3 <3


She's probably the most beautiful I've ever- doh who am I kidding, they're all beautiful including you. 😉


Amazing work Vestina, she looks fantastic! :)

Lord Chaos

So lovely. If I had to pick one I would choose 19. With the blush and how eager her body is to take her lover. Who ever it is he is extremely lucky to have such a beauty.


Ah Dear Arthur, thank you so much as always ^-^ I tried all my best!


Thank you so much, my Dear <3 <3 <3 Your compliments really make me blush :3

vestina (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 05:33:55 Ah my Dear, I'm glad you like her, and I am really happy to hear such compliments from you ^-^ I really tried all my best <3
2022-09-16 15:53:26 Ah my Dear, I'm glad you like her, and I am really happy to hear such compliments from you ^-^ I really tried all my best <3

Ah my Dear, I'm glad you like her, and I am really happy to hear such compliments from you ^-^ I really tried all my best <3


Whoa!? She looks lovely also very nice.