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This art set is a part of 'Dolium of Content' tier

In one of the contubernium, soldiers have always been complaining to their decanus that they felt constant stress and depression. One of the soldiers suggested to get a cat. The whole contubernium laughed at this joke so hard ...

But the decanus liked that joke. So, after a couple of days, a cute kitty appeared in this contubernium. Since that time, no any soldier from the contubernium felt any depression ;)

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Art set is available now for $50+ pledgers and higher




Is this why the morale of legions is alway high?


Woo hoo love this!


Mrwar... what a beauty waiting for her soldier boy.


Oh, I am not sure if the morale of the whole Legion, but that exact contubernium one - for sure ;)

vestina (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 22:26:38 Thank you so much, Dear <3
2022-06-29 15:06:32 Thank you so much, Dear <3

Thank you so much, Dear <3