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For January, good ole Dae decided on a peak at what didn't happen in GD issue 213 during Ays and Pinny's honeymoon!



Daedrius Storm

Yeeeeesssssss.... YEEEEEESSSSSS!!! Muaahahahahaha!!!!

FabledEarth 6116

Ooh I know what adventure there about to go on


Ohhh penny’s got that look!


In the words of the late Stan Lee.. "Not a Hoax! Not a Dream! Not an Imaginary Tale! This is really happening, True Believers!"


Excellent. Truly and gloriously excellent.


This is awesome! Love seeing these two together 😀


Pinny bumps her head. Skippie: Pinnnnny Pinnnnnnny. Pinny: oh no… (Ding) Skippie: I’m haunting you. Cue the TFS vegetable scream.

George Humleker Jr.

Wouldn't this technically be a case of "What we didn't see" since it was clear honeymoon stuff happened offscreen in the comic? XD


Love seeing more WDH stories! 😁♥️

Darnel D Cooper

(I need to brush up on Ms Pincers,... errrm Mrs Ays current powerset.)


Honestly, I can imagine this be an ending to the Beast Boy x Raven arc

Daedrius Storm

I am SO looking forward to seeing her out of that wedding gown again. Her wedding lingerie is absolutely GOATED! lol


Zoo-Wee Mama those stockings!


I need to reread some issues to see if Penny always had such a generous PHD...also this is the second time someone's made out with Ays's dick


Gods DAMN! Look at the beautiful gorgeous sexy bootylicious thicc wedding cake.


MR. GOODBAR? Darn right! Don't SNICKER people. I'm not LION when I say Pinny's got a ROCKY ROAD ahead of her to get that PAY DAY from Ayse's MR. BIG. She's going to need to TAKE 5 after the MOUNDS of NUTRAGEOUS goodness she'll get from her BIG HUNK.


I need more of that gloriously bootylicious thicc wedding cake because gods DAMN she looks so fucking good. I'm starving now.


Mating press, but still in the dress? Hawtness! 🥰

Daedrius Storm

Yeeeeesssss, exxxxxxcellent! *steeples fingers* All according to (wedding) "cake."


Is it ummm.. getting hot in here or what?? Lol


Bridal Undies Reverse Wedgie FTW!


Relationship goals are doing this your first wedding and every night after.


You better recognize the crackle of my RAW, SSSEXUAL ENERGY!

Darnel D Cooper

Damn. This is awful close to the mind canon I had on why she was so hung up on Kevin.

Daedrius Storm

lol We all knew that they were perfect for each other. And even though this is most definitely parody *wink wink, nudge nudge*, there's nothing stopping us from keeping it as head canon lol


And Kevin leaves her edging like that. “Sorry babe. General Torus wants me up in the air for a mission tomorrow morning. Bye.” “Ooooh…Torus is getting the spiked bat tomorrow.”

FabledEarth 6116

“Do A Little Dance Make A Little Dance Make A Little Get Down Tonight”


If your wedding night isn't like this than you aren't doing it right.


Mating Press! One of my favorite poses!

Daughter-Of -Loki

Doc has exploited my weakness for wedding night sex

FabledEarth 6116

Hey Doc I gotta ask is this based loosely on your wedding night not trying to be weird but if it is that’s sweet honestly

Daedrius Storm

Mmmhmmhmmhmm, muaaahaahaahaahaaa! Yeeeeesssss! It was *definintely* the right call to go light on the details for this in my description. Booty Comics always tend to be better when you've got a free hand, Doc, Goof Off or otherwise lol


True love filled with true lust


So, Pinny's a screamer huh?

Daedrius Storm

I'm fucking LOVING this PGO lol XD Honestly, probably the best birthday gift I've gotten in years.


They have reached the state of enlightenment through climax. And probably I head start on their first born.


Pinny and Ays.exe has stopped responding.

Darnel D Cooper

And this is how Penny started her own basketball squad,.....

Daedrius Storm

When I requested this, I expressed that I was torn between asking for their 1st time after "Tying the Knot" and the night that wound up with her being pregnant with their 1st child. Imagine my delight when The Doc revealed that both times where one and the same. So, *probably* a head start on their first born? No. *DEFINITELY* a head start on Kev Jr. lol

FabledEarth 6116

There kids are gonna be really active in life


The intensity and blur effects in page 7!! Sweet mercy!! 🥵💦💦♥️


Nutrageous... truly Nutrageous... truly, truly, TRULY Nutrageous...


The power of LOVE on full display right here.

Daedrius Storm

That Day to Night transition, whoo! Yeah, that boi was starvin'! lol Heroic Level Endurance on display here XD

Darnel D Cooper

Too bad the series is over. There would be a story if someone tries to kill Kevin and comes close to doing it. She dies "Mad Scientist" better than anyone else in the series.

Daedrius Storm

Seeing her go toe to toe with the version of her that was 100% more cutthroat and ruthless definitely solidifies that last statement. Trixie barely even comes close.


Welp I know what sequel I'm going to be request for. That goddess is the perfect wife.


Someone take a picture, the newlyweds are about to have the first piece of cake!

Daedrius Storm

Oh yeah, she knew JUST what she was doin when she assumed that position and gave him exactly 2 bounces lol Approximately ZERO sleep was to be had this night. Overdrive Mode: Engaged! lol


Not just wedding cake... CHOCOLATE WEDDING CAKE! <3


Shelf Booty in Wedding Garter Straps... the WINNING COMBINATION! Great Goof-Off! Really setting the bar high for 2024.



Daedrius Storm

Thank you, Doc. This was the best birthday gift I've gotten in years. It was everything I hoped it would be. My appreciation is Maximum! You can expect that I will be trying to get this particular PGO a win for remastering/coloring. Thank you for an awesome birthday gift! 🙏😤


I'm not surprised this GO was particularly enjoyable. It's like having a meal prepared by Gordon Ramsay and Bobby Flay. Pure excellence, thx you two! 😁


Banger ending with dat booty shelf! TY Doc n' Dae. 😊👍