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Just gonna place this here....




The struggle is real lol


Ha that’s hilarious

FabledEarth 6116

You just find your center the point between storytelling and being horny


Wait. *get out one of my old gold digger comic.* ... oh. OH! HA! Oh fuck I never noticed that!


Of all the times for RWBY to win. It had to be Yang and Ren. I have wanted RWBY for so long, but Ren.


It's a cartoon by Rooster Teeth (the people who did Red vs Blue).


If it's a cartoon, why did it win if cartoons are on hiatus?

Master S King

Well you have to suck it up Doc cause if you don't then there the backlash of not during this month vote to next month vote being delayed, which will effect every or months to come vote, unless you are going to start next month vote on time and let it this month be something that others can vote for you to finish?


Well, at least Yang's hair is a lot curlier and has a slightly different style. Gives at least something to work with.


I agree with that, this month's votes took a day or two longer than usual. The Doctor should start the Nominations before the end of the month, as he did the previous month where they began on September 25.


Never before have I wanted there to be a Downvote button of some sort on Patreon. "Suck it up, Doc!" Really? REALLY!? Dude, you have NO idea what goes on with a person in real life. Him even doing something like this is him letting us know this will be a challenge for him and asking us to have patience.


Wtf man…the dude is a pro, he’s having a bit of a challenge and wanted to have some fun with it and clue us in. Remember this is his Patreon and quite frankly he can do whatever the hell he wants, hell if he wanted this months comic to be one damn page it would serve you right, but doc won’t do that…know why? Cause he’s a fucking pro that actually appreciates his (sometimes ungrateful) fans.


For real awr74. I admit I voted for RWBY this month and look forward to Yang but if Doc has trouble I'm okay with him taking his time to do it justice. Let the Doc COOK!!!


I can’t unsee it now…

Daedrius Storm

This has gotta be one of the most braindead takes I've had the displeasure of reading on The Doc's patreon in a while. As if The LEGEND Himself isn't entitled to a little 'tongue in cheek' humor. Either you're a brainless pudding that missed the joke completely, or you've got your head so far up your own ass that you can't see how insensitive and entitled you sound with that comment. Either way, you really ought to check your privilege. If it wasn't obvious, you've sorta pissed off some of the community.

Master S King

I get the joke and I feel for Doc only thing I wanted to know was how Doc would deal with it and how it would change things on the coming months to come. If nothing changes yay,if something changes yay cause at the end of the day I still apart of the patreon supporting Doc no matter what I just wanted to know what he going to do cause how we are mid in November, and if Doc decides to finish into mid December I all for it, or stop once December rolls around and make be a nominated vote for next month to finish.


The Doc Himself liked this comment and the majority of the community is not pissed off, just some people...lol

Miguel Alonso Lavandero

I'd like to see more of Inga. Does she appear in any other comic?


Well technically she appears a few WDH comics particularly the Mars one, oh and there’s her SFW counterpart that stars in 300+ issues of Gold Digger.