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Don't know what you got until someone else is eating it up.
What's Panty and Stocking's plan to get their Briefs back?
Will it work?




Stocking: “I’m going to knock her out with this xxxtra strength Smile Dip.” Audience “Bad idea Stocking…”


With Mabel in the mix along with these horny angels, this should be pretty wild for Brief!

FabledEarth 6116

Oh Ho some good old fashioned Femdom 😍


Man, are they mean.


Excellent femdom, also kind of want to see Mabel try to rescue him, or maybe turn into a cycle of kidnapping.


I see where this is going Mabel: "Two in the box!" Dipper: "Ready to go!" Brief: "We be fast!" Mabel, Dipper, & Brief: "And they be HO'S!" Brief 2: "...They slimed me."

Cole jones

I'm really loving this threesome it's so good I hope we get more of this. Or maybe a foursome with these three and Mabel could also be interesting to see.


Quite the Climax.

Cole jones

Oh is it dipper that's kinda funny.


"Gettin' some Strange, When they''re quite deranged, Who you gonna call...?"

Heavenly DIO

We were *this close* to rimming perfection

Ryux- San

I think this should already be like the perfect ending for this saga of Gravity Falls and Panty and Stocking. Everyone came out winning.