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Behind a mask, Starfire's midnight visitor can cut loose!
(Which is exactly what she's in the mood for)




❌❌❌❌real red hours!


Yay another Teen Titans sexy adventure love it

Cobra Styx

Wait I thought it was the bad guy red x




Dick and Kory Supremacy!!!!

Garrett Carter

And while Robin is playing Red X with Star, somewhere else, Blackfire is dominating the REAL Red X.


At least it's Robin in disguise, in my opinion he didn't want Starfire to fuck someone else, that would make me feel sorry for him.

Muse Sionnach

I wanna know wtf her nightgown is made of, that looks comfy as hell


I understand you, I felt sorry for Marco when Jackie fucked Dipper and not him, and I didn't want Robin to go through that


It's not to be demanding and all, but I'm getting bored of always seeing the Missionary pose, I want different poses, I miss 69, the cowgirl, or the original poses that Doc did before.


Okay people place your bet! Is this Robin or is Robin Red X gonna pop up at the end ready for action!

George Large

It would be hilarious if it was really red x then at the end Robin comes in his red x uniform and Starfire is confused

Daedrius Storm

This particular speculation can be permanently laid to rest, since the Artist himself has said on numerous occasions before and after this booty comic had begun that it will be Dick Grayson wearing the Red X costume for roleplay sexy time fun and The Doctor has never been the type to "Bait and Switch."


Wow... Dick Grayson has so many aliases: Robin, Nightwing, Red X, and now Mr. Plow!


Always great seeing these two together! Love how Starfire is notably thicker here, especially in the 4th page in comparison to Robin. Thanks for the wonderful art, hope you have a nice relaxing day 🙂

Muse Sionnach

Pg. 5's dialogue is absolutely mint, you're killing it Doc!

Terry Chill

I'm digging this story so much

Darnel D Cooper

Man,.... the kinda sex that looks like it breaks birth control.

Coffee Sunshine

Star's constant hot banter is really doing it for me, whewww

Darnel D Cooper

Poor robinkins,... the bear wonder.

Darnel D Cooper

So far you've had raven ruin poor innocent beast boy, Starfire ride Robin hard and put him away wet,....Is there a chance that Natasha Irons could be a regular for cyborg?


LOL! That Stafire Kitty at the end.

Garrett Carter

Is Star supposed to be role-playing as Mongal?

Dominic Corbin

She's "Starfire The Terrible", her villian persona from Teen Titans Go where she became Robin's archnemesis so that he had one.


That ending!!!!!MMWWWAA HAAA HAAAAA🤣🤣🤣👍🏾👌🏾

FabledEarth 6116

Oh lord Robin not again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣