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Once again, I'm getting zero progress towards my production schedule with these---




Never apologize for this. The gloriousness of your good off is always welcomed and wanted. Especially when it comes to have a giant bootylicious thicc booty goddess getting fucked. Thank you very much my God emperor of awesomeness friend for this lovely masterpiece of pure flawless perfection. *yetihug*


But we love to see a sexy octolady Oface

Daedrius Storm

Nice little wrap up to this arc of Adventures in Booty-Science


... Doc Can I make a suggestion? That on a bi-monthly schedule there is just a mouth of you doing stuff like this with no polls. For example, after this polls winner and comic in April. Then next month is just whatever you want to do whether it be goof off masterpieces, take a vacation, or pick one of the idea from a previous that you liked and wished would have won in May. And repeat. Because most of know you from your original comic and seeing these these idea you say are goof offs but are really gems of masterpieces and would love to see more of. I'm just saying I would love to see more of the stuff you want to do. The polls are great and others give some glorious and brilliant ideas but I would like to see more of your too without it having to be voted in.

Sahl Feathersong, Holy Knight of the Shattered Sun

I can empathize with your wish to see more original works from the mind of the lead researcher in booty-science, but I think you might be forgetting that we have something in place for that already in **Doc's Choice** where he literally has license to do anything he wishes and **Doc's Vacation** which is exactly what it says it is. Plus, each of those is their own category. Also, a by product of what you're suggesting is that the patrons will have overall less agency going forward, which some may take issue with. The Goof Offs are valid targets for topic nomination depending on which genre they fall under, so there's nothing stopping them from becoming full-fledged Booty Comics, the community just has to agree on it is all. I hear there used to be a time when patrons didn't get to nominate pairings at all and only got to choose from a handful that the Booty Doc selected. Maybe that might be worth bringing back every 2 months, rather than stripping the patrons of agency completely.


True and I do get what you mean. Most people here are just to suggest ideas for the change to see it come true. I just wanted to suggest testing something that could keep Doc's creative imagination with his work going while also freeing up some potential slots for plots. And Again Just test it out for like four or five months and hold a poll to see if it should premiant or just go back to normal. Examples being, if doc likes a comic and people are saying I going to nominate this again to be continued or Doc wanted to do more with the comic and couldn't do it in a month he now can. Or if taking a month to just do goof offs as he calls them people can see what they would have been like and those could be picks for the next poll and are halfway done. Plus during the month where Doc can do what he wants a poll can still be opened by that months end a winner is picked and can even be started earlier if Doc wants. This could also have it so Doc's choice and Vacation aren't needed. because if doc needs a vacation, he can just say "i'm taking this month off." And if Doc wants to pick a comic he can. There will be flaws and glitches to work out but again, just test it out for like four or five months and hold a poll to see if it should premiant or just go back to normal.


Dig a hole, dig a hole.


Oh my Gawwwd, those Ed sketches! Oof, May looks so good in your style! We need an Ed edd n Eddy comic from you!


I read that in Ed’s voice 😂


Josie's on a vaaaacation farrrr a way...come around and talk it oooover!

Daedrius Storm

Yeah, I didnt want to bring it up, but now since this GO pg is here, the gates are open. So why is it possible for dwarves and minotaurs to conceive but impossible for trolls and elves without alchemical/magical intervention? Inquiring minds would *really* like to know! lol


I mean, Minotaurs birth shouldn't have happened either but the gods made that possible so it makes a bit of sense that whatever the gods did to the bull and human would be passed down. As for the Troll and elf, If you want to get technical, whatever a troll fucks it will always be a troll if you go off of legends of Trolls being natural creatures, kinda like goblins. Also side note Love the bootylicious thicc kanker sisters.

Sahl Feathersong, Holy Knight of the Shattered Sun

The trolls and elves in these stories are based off the versions found in the Gold Digger comic, so if you know the lore behind a handful of the races native to *Jayd-Realm*, then why they can't reproduce with each other becomes pretty clear. No spoilers, for those that haven't read it. 😁


I was going off of old fairy tales on European countries I hear and read, at least the best translations of them. Not a lot about elves, but trolls in the very rare times breading with another species was brought up Troll would kidnap women or trip the man and they would only have trolls, no half troll half human. Just Troll. Also for some reason a lot just have people turned into trolls do to pissing off a magical person. So if Doc wants to give a in universe reason for his lore he can say its based off of old folklore. Now thinking more about this is going to bug the fuck out of me now, I have to look up more fucking troll legends and stories now.


Minos, Dweomer, Orakis and Athlezon came from the 2nd gen gardeners that escaped the Dynasty when they first uncovered gaoblin magic. There were other races that sprung up during the Age of wonders but these came from the "Olympians"(2nd gardner refugees). Those are all human with permanent mods to aura.(And therefore their physiognomy). These mods were there to grant talents to the "Olympian" slaves/toys. (The olympians were assholes.) Dweomer architects/engineers Minos construction/textiles Athlezon sports/"entertainment" Orakis military/general labor The mods make them all compatible with each other. Since the Olympians were lazy, they didn't want to think too hard about compatiblity for breeding. The mods are: Any male DOMA (Dweomer Orakis Minos Athlezon) Outputs Human+Their Mod duel class seed.>> So if they went with a female human, there would be a human infant. If they went with a Modded female the duel class egg would take over. Any female DOMA's duel class egg can take a mod or human seed. The infant will be either the seed's mod (or no mod) or the female's mod. So a female Dweomer with a human husband will have human or dweomer infants. A Orakis husband will let the female have Orakis or Dweomer infants. The Athlezon females (Amazon) kinda hacked into this aura mod... Big time. Now Amazon Breeders can produce ANY humanoid infant. (Not just Olympian DOMAs) NOW!!!! Elves and Trolls... are extraterrestrial in origin. They are a hijacked race. The original Elf and Troll species were exterminated and replaced by the Dynasty's first thralls, the Gaoblin. The Gaoblin went into deep hiding when the Dynasty left the prime material to hide in Quasispace.(And later beyond... because they thought the prime material was about to be eaten.) To cover up their warcrimes, the Gaoblin disguised their entire species to be the surivors of their victims. The elves, the trolls, the atlantians and the krynn. But they weren't as good at aura modding as the gardeners or their offshoot faction the dynasty. Initially the buggy mod made any cross species breeding produce a GAOBLIN infant. And they couldn't have that smoking gun lying around. So they patched the bug. now crossbreeding is impossible. TLDR Elves and Trolls can't crossbreed because their dark galactic secret origin would be uncovered by the infant, so eons ago, their ancestors "patched out" any crossbreeding efforts with a species-wide, ancient, soul-aura curse.


Fuck, man Doc I love your work man. Ever since I found you and your stuff, I’ve been a fan, just like with RabiesTL… …but man are you making me conflicted with the Sisters and the Eds man. They’re like one psycho chick I saw in a clip for Blue Mountain State, trying to get the guy to get her pregnant to force a relationship and stuff. XD