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Episodes 211 + 212 (edited reaction): https://youtu.be/lz-I1SMl3bk

Episode 211 and 212 (uncut): https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (p. 15)

Samurai Champloo: 

Episode 2 (edited reaction): https://youtu.be/uEoKYm0U05E

Episode 2 (uncut): https://thenormies.com/samurai-champloo-premium/

Note: We are very sorry to let you know that tomorrow's Young Justice drop will be postponed. Our editor is sick and all of our other editors are either busy with other Normies' projects or on scheduled vacation. 




Unfortunately, it's not in the manga or the anime but there is a light novel where you see Shinji’s thoughts about this night and his feelings toward Aizen. Basically, he blames himself not just for the Vizards but for everyone Aizen has hurt or killed, that Aizen was right that he handled the situation terribly, and that he will spend the rest of his life atoning for his failure.

Daniel Gonzalez

Is is can't fear your own world I forget if I got the 3rd or not heard there's alot of good lore in those


Ngl I usually like "No you" types of villains but the amounts of yapping Aizen does pushes it to a degree that it's just lame personally for me. Like he said the same thing 3 times to Shinji. WE GET IT you chose Shinji and him suspecting you was all according to keikaku. Makes my eyes roll


The Young Justice disclaimer 🥲


No, it was in another one called Death save the Strawberry


I watched Bleach alone first and Aizen legitimately has to be one of the worst villains Ive watched in an anime lol Bro feels like what the writer thinks an intellectual villain is like but Aizen is just a god modder/the annoying kid at the playground whose like "Actually you didn't hit me cause I have super speed and reflexes and I was able to dodge your attack 19 times before it even came near me so you didn't hit me. And if you did hit me I declare no you didn't so you didn't"

Kam A

69 is yin yang


Soul Reapers can have kids, look at Byakuya who has a grandfather. Yoruichi is from the Shihoin Clan and Kukaku and Ganju are also related.


Yeah that shit works in a show like Jojo's where everything is over the top but I'm supposed to take Aizen seriously when he's Mr. Yap over here pulling 10 Uno reverse cards. I'm not saying I need a backstory to get invested in him or whatever because villains can be villains just for the sake of it but just off of charisma Aizen doesn't impress me. Every time Aizen gives a speech I don't believe him even if obviously the plot dictates that he's right. But people love him so hey maybe it's a me thing

Tristan Harley

Aizen is one of my favorite villains. I think the monologue here was the only one that felt overly long, but I think that's because the concept is one most readers wouldn't be able to understand: that a lack of trust in a person can actually make it easier for them to deceive you. Not to mention, the Normies would have definitely missed it otherwise XD.

Tristan Harley

#SUNDAY RUNDOWN Well done on another reaction Normies! Ok, now! Some points established way back that seem to be fading from your memories (watch the first Bleach movie btw). * You ask why Tosen is the way he is. All we know of his character is that he apparently loves Justice, and when he defected, he told Sajin (the fox Captain) "The path I walk IS justice". We don't know why he seems so in awe of Aizen. *The Gigais that Urahara made are illegal because they completely hide a Soul Reapers Reiatsu. In addition, the one he gave to Rukia at the beginning of the series was designed to eat away at her very soul, until she actually became a human. All to hide the Hogyoku from Aizen. *It's never confirmed as far as I know, but it's believed those two kids who work for Urahara are custom Mod Souls he made - just like Kon (Although Kon was made by the Soul Society as part of Project Spearhead - implanting artificial souls in human corpses to fight hollows). *With the history you have just learned about Urahara, think now about how he trained Ichigo. About how Ichigo ended up with a mask because of it. I personally believe Urahara was experimenting on Ichigo with his own version of Hollowfication . Aizen was right to frame him!


2 NON-FILLER EPISODES COMING UP: 227 & 228 If you haven't gotten there yet, make sure to watch these 2 episodes. Because of their placement, they seem like filler, but both are in the manga. 227 is both a bit of insight into Mizuiro - Ichigo's classmate - and backstory on how they all met each other, while 228...IS THE BEACH EPISODE! Y'all gonna' have fun with that one. 😉 FUN FACT: The bakudo Hacchi uses to subdue Kensei is the same exact one Tessai used to subdue Ichigo back when he was getting his chain eaten in Urahara's training pit. Obviously, this is one of the techniques Tessai taught his apprentice.


228 is 1000% filler, especially when you look at captain unohana.


#sunday rundown So the Vizards have been stabilized but the hollowfication that happened to them can't be reversed. Basically Urahara using the Hōgyoku halted the Hollowfication process and stopped them from disintegrating like the people that Kensei and his squad were investigating. Also fun fact, Mashiro (The Green Haired Vizard) was the only one to immediately master her hollow powers and she can use her Hollow Mask the longest out of all them. Also not sure if y'all remember but Aizen said to Unohana at the end of the Soul Society Arc that his power's only weakness is that it doesn't work on blind people and the only blind person we know about in Bleach is working for him 😭 (Also sorry about the typos last week 😭)


#SundayRundown "Most depictions of a villain’s past are composed in order to draw out sympathy and a sense of relatability from the audience, and since I don’t like that approach very much, I try to avoid it. All characters have a different set of values and I believe a villain is a character whose differences in that regard (Aizen) are so large that they cannot be accepted." - Tite Kubo This is an answer From Kubo's Paid KlubOutside membership where he has answered two questions a week for the past two years I believe and this was a response to a questions asking about Aizen's back story or why his intentions are never explained truly. Kubo really doesn't like to spoon feed or tell the readers to much and is more of a visual story teller which is made obvious through the manga but very much appreciates the interpretations that a reader might come to while digesting the manga and while I really cant remember the source I believe he says that a readers interpretations are open to discussion and that's what he likes. That last point I still need to find a confirmation on as there are hundreds of questions and answers to sift through. Edit: You guys asked why there is nor urgency and Kisuke explained that they cannot be moved in their conditions without knowing about the teleportations and time stop technique. There was nothing they could do at that spot at that point in time.

Benjamin Donahue

The best explanation for the 69 I've heard is that Kensei Muguruma's name is spelled with the kanji for 6 and is the captain of squad 9. And he fucks. Also I can't wait for you guys to get the back story on Ichigo's dad. I think thats probably the best written part of the whole show to me.


It's literally a manga chapter. Doesn't matter if it's silly. When we say "filler", we mean something that was added in to the anime that never existed in the manga. Adapting a special chapter of the manga is not the same thing as making filler. Kubo wrote and drew the beach chapter on purpose, and it was not made up by the anime team.


Love TBTP. It basically sheds the series in a new light and shows that a large part of stuff that happens in Bleach is due to a big chess game that was being played by Urahara and Aizen in the background for about 100 years lol.


This was a dope arc. I'm glad all y'alls questions were answered in regards to the Visards and you see why Kisuke got banished from Soul society. Aizen did him dirty, just like he framed Hitsugaya with that letter back in the soul society arc.


#SundayRundown Samurai Champloo Ep. 2 Chances of Suraj, Rana, Navi, or Pat joining in on the Samurai Champloo react couch? Glad Samurai Champloo finally won anime poll after such a long time and so many poll close-calls but would be sad missed out opportunity if it wasn't a big group watch like The Boondocks or Gurren Lagann. Samurai Champloo one of the best animes to experience going toe-to-toe with Cowboy Bebop, subjectively or even objectively better than Gurren Lagann. Suraj and Navi add more viewpoint perspectives to show discussion, Rana entertaining how hyped she gets or when simping for hot anime guy husbandos, plus Pat got the wildest wild card outta pocket things to say always wonder what crazy funny stuff he will say next episode! 🍡 🛋️