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Blessing and Tim talk about a report about a possible new PlayStation handheld, a quick recap of the State of Play, and a few interesting rumors.

YouTube - https://youtu.be/TkX2WwIVktg

Time Stamps -

00:00:00 - Start
00:07:57 - Housekeeping

  • Our State of Play Reactions from yesterday are up right now along with our Gamescast breakdown of it all. Youtube.com/KindaFunnyGames
  • We’ve teamed up with the indie exchange for the ULTIMATE spring game showcase! The game submission deadline for the MIX/KF Spring Showcase is tomorrow. Head to kindafunny.com/SpringShowcase to get your game submitted.
  • The Roper Report   -

00:09:18 - A new PlayStation handheld seems to be in early development
00:30:54 - A quick State of Play Recap
00:43:07 - Supermassive Games’ co-founders have left the company
00:44:00 - Rumor: Persona 3 Reload DLC Plans Leaked
00:49:02 - Grain of Salt: Rumor: Speculation Station: Dreams might’ve been canceled on PC
00:52:40 - Wee News!
00:55:27 - SuperChats
00:57:09 - You‘re Wrong
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Tim & Greg

Thank you for the support!


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