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It's a FRAZZLED end-of-the-day Gregway!




You may have spoken about this before, but I was curious what you would suggest to someone who wants to try to get into wrestling. I have no experience with it at all. I love Kinda Funny though and want to support the wrestling content. I feel overwhelmed though and feel like if I just jumped in randomly I would be confused or wouldn't understand the impact of things. Is there anything I can watch to get a grasp on things as a newbie or should I just dive right into Wrestlemania ranked and go from there?


Not a question, just something I wanted to share. I usually watch these Gregways at the end of my day. Tonight, I got ready for bed, laid down and popped my AirPod in, and my tiny (70-pound) dog, Oliver Queen, draped himself across me for chest and tummy scritches. So, I wanted to let you know that you, and Oliver Queen, help me to chill out at the end of the day. Thanks, Greg.