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Greg, Bless, and Janet talk about the best and worst of PlayStation's 2023.

YouTube - https://youtube.com/live/hOzeRV1XcPc

Time Stamps -

00:00:00 - Start
00:00:38 - Welcomes & Housekeeping
00:02:30 - “I can't help but think the worst Sony studio acquisition is the one they never made” - Kelsey Jacobs
00:13:21 - The PS I Love You XOXO Awards 2023
00:14:14 - Most Underrated PS Game of 2023
00:34:32 - Best PlayStation Trophy List
00:43:56 - Best PS Plus Essential Game
00:53:00 - Best Studio
00:59:13 - Best PlayStation Exclusive
01:06:05 - Audience Categories!
01:17:42 - A Farewell

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