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Tim and Andy break down all of the winners, announcements, and criticisms from The Game Awards 2023!

YouTube - https://youtu.be/WgmLtpzXOjQ

Time Stamps -

00:00:00 - Start
00:01:45 - Housekeeping

  • Bless and Janet are doing a Kinda Funny Meet Up during Game Awards! It’s going down after the Giant Bomb Live show on Saturday from 3pm to 4:30pm at Karl Strauss Brewery. Come through!
  • The Roper Report   -

00:03:32 - All The The Game Awards Winners
00:34:46 - All The The Game Awards Announcements
01:15:27 - Kojima’s Documentary is Coming to Disney Plus
01:16:40 - Out Today
01:17:40 - You‘re Wrong
01:21:55 - The Post Show!
Monday’s Hosts: Greg & Tim

Thank you for the support!



The negativity around cyberpunk was that YEAH, they did have to. They got fucking sued and de-listed. Ifk why KF keeps acting like it was goodwill and cyberpunk deserves flowers when it was literally the biggest scam release in AAA history


Bit much. It’s a mistake a lot of games made in developing for the most possible units sold, and the older systems not being able to run it. It’s always worked on current gen.


I see you, Andy. Lmao hard disagree with you on your take on this one, but love you regardless.