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Happy Saturday!


-Everything on Tuesday is way earlier than normal bc of the GTA trailer drop
-Everything on Thursday is way later than usual bc of The Game Awards
-No live PSILY this week

-6am PT: Wingin’ It Pilot posts on YT
-10am PT: KFGD with Greg and Tim (Twitch and KFG YT)
-11am PT: Kinda Munchies - Andy Eats Mac and Cheese with Roger, Mike, and Nick (YT and Twitch)
-12pm PT: Stream with Mike and Nick (Twitch and KFG YT)
-3:15pm PT: KF Podcast with Tim, Nick, Andy, and Greg (Patreon live recording)

-6am PT: KF Podcast posts on YT/podcast services
-6am PT: GTA Trailer live reactions with Greg, Mike, Tim, and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)
-6:30am PT: KFGD with Greg, Mike, Tim, and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)
-7:30am PT: Stream with Mike, Greg, and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)
-10:30am PT: Gamescast with Greg, Tim, Bless, Andy, and Mike (Patreon live recording)

-6am PT: Gamescast and Greg’s Home Video posts on YT/podcast services
-8am PT: Kinda Anime posts on YT
-10am PT: KFGD with Tim and Bless (KFG YT and Twitch)
-11:30am PT: Stream with Mike, Nick, and Andy (KFG YT and Twitch)
-3:15pm PT: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Review with Tim, Andy, Nick, and Joey (Patreon live recording)
-3:30pm PT: Xcast with Mike and Parris (Patreon live recording)

-6am PT: Xcast posts on YT/podcast services
-12pm PT: KFGD with Tim and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)
-1:30pm PT: Stream with Mike, Nick, Kevin, and Joey (Twitch and KFG YT)
-4pm PT: The Game Awards live reactions wach-a-long with Tim, Mike, and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)

-6am PT: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Review and posts on YT/podcast services
-10am PT: KFGD with Mike and Tim (Twitch and KFG YT)
-11:30am PT; Stream with Mike, Nick, and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)




Hi Joey, Should $10 members get the patreon shows for november?


Hey team, I have a $10 sub and have not gotten Kinda Feudy the past two months. Did this change tiers?