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Blessing and Andy talk about Blessing's time playing Nick All Star Brawl 2, Mass Effect teases, and Nintendo sales numbers.

YouTube - https://youtu.be/0GAYvSTHvZs

Time Stamps -

00:00:00 - Start
00:03:30 - Housekeeping

  • Barrett’s final Special Presentation for the year is OUT NOW and it’s his ranking of every game in the Persona franchise! Come watch it on YouTube.com/KindaFunnyGames and yell at him about the ranking in the comments!
  • Today, Greg is releasing his first in studio video essay where he breaks down why WWE 2K needs to change! Watch the live premiere 2pm over on YouTube.com/KindaFunnyGames
  • After today’s KFGD, Mike’s sitting down with the voice cast of Starfield IN STUDIO to talk about creating their characters. Join Elias Toufexis, Cissy Jones, and Jake Green right after our show and later on youtube.com/kindafunnygames.
  • A new Kinda Funny podcast is up about how Tim apparently broke into a house. Youtube.com/KindaFunny
  • The Roper Report   -

00:07:20 - Nick All Star Brawl 2 Review Round Up
00:21:04 - N7 Day Tease
00:25:57 - Nintendo denies briefing developers on Switch 2, and dismisses multi-screen patent
00:31:20 - Switch clears 132 million
00:25:57 - Nintendo denies briefing developers on Switch 2, and dismisses multi-screen patent 00:31:20 - Switch clears 132 million 

00:46:32 - The Escapist staff resign following termination of editor-in-chief Nick Calandra 

00:50:43 - Former Kotaku writers are launching a new video game site 

00:58:13 - Ubisoft Continues To Downsize 

01:05:02 - PlayStation is losing Twitter integration 

01:07:50 - Out Today 

01:09:26 - You‘re Wrong 

01:12:00 - The Post Show!
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Greg & Bless

Thanks for the support!


Shota Tsunamura

Snap would be my main Where are the Kablam siblings?


Not surprised about the Escapist. One of the recent Cold Take videos about “the Git Gud mentality” came off incredibly biased and pretty hateful imo. I tried to call them out on the irony of tearing into an entire fanbase based on a minority of loud idiots and the Escapist called me an ignorant internet bum. Immediately unsubbed after that, absolutely pretentious video and response imo which is hilarious given the subject matter