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Click on the link. Press pay and use promo code: Magnetman -- THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US. ENJOY THE EPISODE EARLY. -- Tim Gettys brings up a troubling lingering deep thought, Nick Scarpino asks what we would bring back from the 1980s Greg Miller wants to know how much we would pay for unlimited movies, and Colin Moriarty questions what moment we would go back in time to.


Asking Big Questions - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 55

Tim Gettys brings up a troubling lingering deep thought, Nick Scarpino asks what we would bring back from the 1980s Greg Miller wants to know how much we would pay for unlimited movies, and Colin Moriarty questions what moment we would go back in time to.



As a sentence, "This statement is false." The answer is True. Colin, it was Rocky 2.


Man that Colin dressing up as magnetman stuff gets me all the time, we need a picture of that. Kids do stupid stuff, when I was a kid I used to have this all-in-one tiger costume that was too small for me, I'd put it on and pretend I was Venom, I was so into that animated spiderman series.