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This took some time in debug, because I had to train models multiple times to find and fix the code, in the end I had to rewrite quite a lot of the training code.

It probably still have some problems with float32 training, but float16 should work a lot better.

Link [With and without torch folder]:


Been also working on a new training method that may work better to teach styles to the model, but it still WIP, not in the build.

There is also now the version for each model on its name, so if the naming is wrong, it is probably on the wrong folder:

  • models_sd: V1 Models
  • models_V2: V2 Models
  • models_inpanting: models for in(out)painting
  • models_upscale: Models that do upscale
  • models_vae: VAE models
  • models_hyper: Hypernetwork models



First time trying to run Dreambooth and I got this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "start.py", line 2117, in OnTrainDB File "start.py", line 2038, in LoadData File "start.py", line 1766, in LoadModel File "torch\serialization.py", line 712, in load return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) File "torch\serialization.py", line 1049, in _load result = unpickler.load() File "torch\serialization.py", line 1042, in find_class return super().find_class(mod_name, name) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'diffusers.models.unet_blocks'


Unable to get anything to render no matter what model is used in this version It just throws an error. Using One Header Traceback (most recent call last): File "start.py", line 2133, in OnRender File "start.py", line 2097, in LoadData File "diffusers\pipeline_utils.py", line 848, in set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers File "diffusers\pipeline_utils.py", line 839, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 204, in set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 200, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 200, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 200, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 197, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 204, in set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 200, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\modeling_utils.py", line 197, in fn_recursive_set_mem_eff File "diffusers\models\attention.py", line 471, in set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers raise e File "diffusers\models\attention.py", line 465, in set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers _ = xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention( File "xformers\ops.py", line 862, in memory_efficient_attention File "xformers\ops.py", line 305, in forward_no_grad File "torch\_ops.py", line 143, in __call__ return self._op(*args, **kwargs or {}) RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect. For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1. RTX 2060 6GB


Getting this error whenever I try to render something: Traceback (most recent call last): File "start.py", line 2133, in OnRender File "start.py", line 2035, in LoadData File "start.py", line 1728, in LoadModel AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'