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Gave it a quick read about it. There seen to be some neat new addictions, like upscaler and depth2img, with should be able to generate images with an alpha channel? Well, the link can explain it better than me.
Now lets make this work with the GUI 😋

SD 2.0 was trained with a new CLIP model and a dataset without celebrities and artists names. Those modifications probably will make 2.0 have different prompts that give good results.

V2 prompts different and will take a while for folk to get used to.


Stable Diffusion 2.0 Release - Stability.Ai

It is our pleasure to announce the open-source release of Stable Diffusion Version 2 . The original Stable Diffusion V1 led by changed the nature of open source AI models and spawned hundreds of other models and innovations all over the world.



Nice! what awesome news to wake up to


Hey, did you see this? https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/z420nf/unstable_diffusion_is_going_to_do_what/ I think this may become very interesting and important if it takes over for Stable Diffusion now that it was neutered.


I don't meddle with politics. I plan to support any new model format that is not illegal.