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Most stuff don't show on the GUI, like bug fixes and improvements, but it make little sense to print-screen the code lol

Just a side note, usually I don't have much time to answer comments on the Weekend, but Monday I have plenty of time to answer everything.




Also there is a typo in 0.41 [Usre more Vram]


Great Product! I would be happy to see GFPGAN implemented. https://replicate.com/tencentarc/gfpgan


personally rather than sliders for image size, I would prefer to be able to use a format list, like 1:1 512x512, 4:3 576x448, 16:9 640x384


Would it be possible to have a list of pending jobs, just so we can see what is still or about to process please?


My personal folder of images from this app is now over 40 gb. That's after deleting about half...Would love the option to save in jpeg instead of png.


Both, manually set Height and select aspect ratio to autoset width resolution. 1:1 2:3 4:3 16:9 2:1 are the most common aspect ratio, so will be useful to have these 5 checkboxes or list


That is a request that I did not think it would appear here lol I will do something similar, select encode level for PNG, it take more time saving, but it save memory. It should be enough


Will do a very simple one for 0.5 and then improve it in the future.


I will try to make a blend of sliders and something like your suggestion, but not for 0.5, will improve it after 0.5


Can't wait to see what future updates you have in store for us! I am waiting excitedly every day. I want to use this app to quickly become famous and go around advertising that I used GRisk AI for this. I heard that you are going to do something with mp4 and , As you may know, there is also something like this on GitHub, in case you are interested https://github.com/nateraw/stable-diffusion-videos


A couple quality of life issues to consider... I used to be able to click in the console window and hit CTRL-C to cause a keyboard interrupt. Ver. 4.1 no longer allows me to do that and I have to close the app to interrupt a render prompt. It would be nice to have an interrupt button on the GUI. Since we need to use multiples of 64 for the dimensions, it would be nice if the up and down arrows moved by 64 with each click. A bit of clamping to valid values when you enter a value in the check box wouldn't hurt either. It would be great to have a button to swap the values in the height and width to allow easy switching from portrait to landscape orientation. Maybe it is just my machine, but if I click in a text box in the GUI, type a number and hit enter, it opens the "SD Github" link in a browser. It is very annoying. If you don't move the selection to the active GUI control, it would be better to not have any default control set. Probably a personal preference, but I would prefer it did all the samples per prompt in a row before moving to the next line. It would kepp things better organized in the directory. Is that what "Batch Samples" does? I couldn't find any info on what that check box does. Very pleased with your awesome interface. Thanks!


Oh, one other thing. It would be great if the the console log output the sample count at the end of the prompt. Something like this: A fish chewing bubblegum (Sample 5 of 50)


I see it as crucial to display the last seed number for easy access


The sliders are a great additon! I hope it will it be a multiple of 64 pixels?


I personally like that the prompt is presented on multiple lines. If a prompt were displayed in one line, you would have to scroll far or the application would have to be displayed in full screen. But that is just my personal opinion.


Holy cow, didn't realize that! I am so psyched to be on this patreon. You rock!


I can print it on the console for now, a good display window will take a little more time.


Something like that is already working on 0.5, but will work more on this after this initial release.


Some of those are already fixed on the next update. I did not knew about the SD Github link glitch, will try to fix it. The out of order render is a bug that sadly is caused by the way I currently handle the memory. It will be fixed, but it require some time, so I need to focus on that.


Batch sample put all the samples at the same time on the card to be render, it use more Vram, but it generate images faster.