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Just made a purchase for a 3080 and some extra parts to upgrade my little computer, just need to wait some days to arrive it.

This will really help me with my work flow and improve releases.

  • Will be able to run Stable Diffusion and future projects on my computer to not only release .exe versions, but to create more products and new tools on top of that. Already have quite a few ideas for SD
  • Will be able to train models faster than the cloud solutions I been using, plus I will be able to see metrics in real time and change the training, instead of having to download/upload files all the time
  • 3080 let me train with 16f precision, plus the dedicated CPU (unlike in the cloud) so I'm feeling it will give a pretty good boost on the training speed.
  • Can test stuff on high end GPU and my old 4vram GPU to see how each one handle the code.


Brew MeUp

Niceeeee I just managed to get SD running locally :D can do a 4 image grid at 150 steps in 1m15s on my 3090


Oh that is cool. In discord the result was a lot faster, maybe the GPU impact a lot on the time. Are you using the leaked weights?


I was using a GTX 1650, it was what I could afford at the time =p Probably still will use it for testing, maybe try to use it for multi-gpu training, but it may slow down the training because of the speed