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Here we go, the new update.

It have new models for animation and RL.

It have an alpha channel option for PNG seq. and gif output

A few minor fixes, like a filename with a dot in its name.

A lot of the memory improvements are kinda of experimental, so let me know if you find any error and I will fix asap.


RIFE-App 2.8.rar


Snake Plissken

Have you considered inserting an option for RL processing that first uses https://github.com/zzh-tech/ESTRNN Or https://github.com/codeslake/PVDNet

Snake Plissken

For deblurring RL motion frames before RIFE frame interpolating. Working on getting this to work with WSL2 so i can try it would using dual boot..


I'm getting errors on 2.8 in some files that rife 2.7 never game me, same settings on both [00:00<09:17, 15.36it/s]Exception ignored in thread started by: Traceback (most recent call last): File "my_DAIN_class.py", line 863, in queue_file_save File "my_DAIN_class.py", line 714, in PipeFrame OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument


Also seems to be flashing lights remain in my interpolated outputs. any fixes or options to prevent?


Still interested to see that interpolates flashing scenes inx264? t is the file for working (it did not crash but though output has many flashes. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l9x9T4YmZ6Kk1ecItxb6ZMQFa-kKPkOy?usp=sharing


im trying the same working files in x264, i will report


Me too have the same problem in h265