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  • Anime Lite: 100%
  • Anime Regular: 100%
  • Anime Heavy: 100%
  • RL Lite: 0%
  • RL Regular: 100%
  • RL Heavy: 70%

Real Life mode is interpreting better the shapes of new frames than older models, but Real Life is tricky, sometimes you want some blur to create a credible new frame, so perfect shapes can generate weird movements.

For this first version I will try to make the new frames as clean as possible, if the feedback is that they look weird, will try to add more of a natural look for the next update.

Once this models are trained, I'm just fixing some bugs and the next release will be ready.


the AC

I'd opt for a blend of clean/natural. But that's before we see any results from the latest.

Snake Plissken

Idk how reasonable this is of a request, but is it possible to make a gui so we can train our own models using some 60 fps (or more) content that we down grade to 30 fps and then use them and train/test sets?