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Let me see if I can remember all the changes in this one.

  • "Cut Video" now take a HH:mm:ss format and it will not be slow to run, it also will work with other options like "Perfect loop". It still need some work, so putting a time > that the video footage or setting the initial time > final time may freeze the render.
  • Update on the code that get the frames from video. If you use "Animation mode" it should improve the output pacing, it might help a little if you don't use "Animation mode", but i'm not sure.
  • Because of the code update, batch is broken in this version, I'm planning in improving it, so in the next versions there is no more "Out of memory" error on bigger batches.
  • Improved the "Alternative Render" code, it sometimes better for animations, real-life footage have little use for it.
  • There is now a pdf with a few tips for interpolating animations, it pretty unpolished right now, but the plan is to keep improving it and create some extra docs about using the application and other stuff.
  • Fixed (?) audio on output with a target FPS


Rife-App 2.05.7z



I think I prefer "Frame" than time format to Cut Video. Would you mind make a option about this? THX. QWQ


Yeah, I can add this option again later on, but it will convert internally to the HH:ii:ss format, since the code (for now) require it to be able to cut it fast.


why i use cut video only cut video,audio not cut??


ok thx Reply


I get a "CUDA error: invalid argument" every single time when trying to export. What do I do? (Tried on two machines, one with Quadro 3000 and the another with Titan X, same issue for both.)


Quadro 3000 may show some problems, but Titan X should work correctly, did the app created a crash_log.txt in the folder?


would you be able to make a batch rendering method so i can queue more files to interpolate? i think that would be much appreciated from many people.


You can select multiple files as input, they will all render with the same settings.