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If you use batch size = -1 (Auto) do you feel any speed difference than using batch size = 1



Sometimes I glance over and wonder how it actually works, because sometimes i only see half of the VRAM get used. Because sometimes i wonder what the diminishing returns are


Batch size = 1 does end up being marginally slower, but when i use -1 i run into VRAM issues with larger video files that completely disappear when i use = 1


It will try to fill your Vram if is -1, but it have some guesswork, plus it keep some empty space so you can use your computer.


Mind sharing your graphic card? -1 will try to guess how much memory it can use, but it sometimes it use to much, you can put manually a number if you are running out of memory, like 2 / 3 / 4


I find batch size -1 considerably faster than batch size 1 - by an astonishing degree. It was my favourite addition :^)