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  • Some videos was producing random garbage as an output, so I tried to fix it in this update, if your video is generating the wrong output let me know.
  • Changed how the memory is handled, to see if can generate a speed boost on the application, if the application is now throwing a out of memory error and was working for you on 1.65, let me know.


RIFE-App 1.70.7z



"This version only accept batch = 1 due to codes change. Setting batch = 1"


Yeah, until I finish the code to work with multiple batch, will set to 1 for you. Did it gave any error to you or didn't work?


I just signed up for this and the application is unusable. The application scales up too large for my display, no matter the resolution so I can’t find or access any start button and the window won’t let me resize it.


Do you have your windows scaling turned up? I don't have and have no issues.


Hello, I am a new user. I found the program to be very easy to use, but when trying to maintain a color palette, I seem to run into nasty .jpeg-like compression on animations. Also, the interpolation does not take into consideration transparency, or color limits. These are really the only thing I could see that are holding me back from making this a permanent tool


Can you print me the jpeg compression? It most likely wrong interpolations instead of compression. Color pallet will come in the future, it may take some time. Alpha channel as well.