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  • Rife got some updates, interpolation is looking better than in 1.5
  • Tried to improve memory usage and perhaps speed up a little interpolation
  • Fixed some slight wrong values
  • Fixed some small bugs


RIFE-App 1.6.7z



Could you please explain, why I can't add PNG sequence as a source? Only video files can be added. DAIN works well with it.


I don't know why it was removed but you can always go back a few versions of RIFE because they supported it.


OMG "USE ALL GPU'S" thank you, this weekend coming ill test with 2 gpu's to see how much quicker it is, does it require SLI? At least with my 3090 it seams to running way quicker at the same setting as 1.5


I didn't put it in the post because it still untested, it may even crash. But if you do test please send me any feedback you can. It should not require SLI. =)


For some reason 1.6 is much slower than 1.5 for me. It would start off about the same speed, slightly faster, but about 10min in, it would dip to almost half the speed. Any ideas? What I'm upscaling is 4k 23.9 to 4X frame rate.


Did you test the same video on both and in the same partition? There was a bunch of modifications, 1.6 should be slighter slower, but if it both start at the same speed, its something else.


just gotta say, amazing work, cant wait to put this to good use on some animations